La san yat phit thaw lal la pyi won ka pyi pyi phyo phyoma thar thay pay.Myay pyin twin mone tha yay a lin thal thal thar phint kyat htar pay thi.Htoe a khar saine maung thaw thit ywat twae paw thoe la young shone pyat lite thi nint tha lat lat tought pha twar that thi.Lay ka thot nyaine that thi soe yone ka lay mya thal thal thar lote khat nay pay thi.Kan tha lu thi thal shae tha myaw tha khaw myat si tha sone phat win kyin toe site kyi ngaye kyi nay mi thi.Mone yay yay la yaung out twin pyat win kyin tha khu lone ate say mi htar thaw lu nar tha yout lo ma lote ma shat nyaine that tate sate lyat shi thi.Thoe thaw a maung dhu out twin tate sate nyaine that chin ka tha khar tha yan kyout mat phawel a yay a kin tha khu.Ei oo thi ywae lyarnay tat kyaung khan sar chat phit thi nay tat thay thi.
kyo sar htar fri.