She's Only 12, But Her Father Is Already Planning Her Wedding

in #yemen7 years ago

12 year old Halima politely refused the idea of her father planning her wedding at such an early age.

My father married off my sisters, and wants to marry me off by force, but I don't want to get married," said Halima.

Today, more than two-thirds of Yemeni girls are married off before they reach 18, a grand leap from half of all girls before the conflict.

"I'm in the fifth grade. I want to finish school. I want to become a doctor, God willing," little Halima told CNN.

She also told CNN that many of her friends have been married off already and she doesn't want to be a part of the growing statistics.

Her sister was married off and she was given permission to speak to CNN by her husband, and this is what she had to say.

"If I had the choice, I would have gone to school and been educated. I didn't want to get married. I was coerced. There was nothing for me in marriage as a child".

I respect all backgrounds and appreciate all cultures for what they really are... History and tradition. I may not agree with some aspects of their culture but I am merely an outsider.

I like to believe that even in their hard times there are moments of regret and shame. But these are places of hardship and major conflicts. Where the price for their daughter's hands come with payment for major debts, self care, or possibly for gaining and owning land.

Whether right or wrong, we can not say much because we do not live in those circumstances. The eye sees and feels a certain way but we could never really see through the eyes of the beholder.


It's such a shame that child marriage still exists in some part of the world. No matter what circumstances we live in forced marriage of a pre-teen is not justifiable.

it is very shameful to say that, some asia continatal country like (Bangladesg,India,Pakistan etc) have this tradition yet. but no one can understand it is very painful matter to a underaged girl. @sharonomics

It's crazy to think that arrange marriages still take place. Such outdated traditions. Religion has gone to far

That's a very bad one. Marrying girls off Before the appropriate age and also against their wish. I thought this was a free world.

Very impressive, between father and son.

I know cultures vary, but children should be allowed to grow up and make their own choices. It tends to girls and women who suffer most as they lack any power. Poverty plays a part when dowries are involved.

Thanks for posting this article. It's sad that in today's era this still happens! I am glad that reporters and bloggers still post about this stuff. There is so much out there that needs to spend some time in the lime light.

Interesting thoughts in your final paragraph, because i come from a part of the world where child marriages are still practiced.....And right now, i feel like telling the tale of Ramatu & Husseni.....

Walk a mile in a man shoes...