Приветствую. Представляю студию блокчейн-копирайтинга. Предлагаю наши услуги по написанию WhitePaper, созданию видеороликов , написанию уникальных статей и обзоров (в том числе для steemit), переводов. Огромный опыт и большой штат сотрудников. Списко наших услуг и портфолио в нашем телеграм канале или на сайте.
Hello everyone! I present to you our blockchain copywriting studio. We propose to you next services: writing WhitePaper, creating videos, , translations, writing unique articles and reviews (Including for steemit). Extensive experience and highly qualified team. List of services and portforlio in our telegram channel or on our website.
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stop spamming my blog
I reported you to @steemcleaners for abuse, comment spam
And now I will probobly get Paid $1 worth of Steempower or something close to that, just for reporting your comment spam! Isnt that a nice system by @anyx? :) Thank him with some upvotes!
Report spam here and get possibly paid!