Yesterday had a sort of, odd energy around it.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to get out of my head.
What was I thinking about specifically? Something that happened this past weekend.
I was in a situation, not in the right state of mind, & (somewhat) self-sabotaged a connection in the making.
Sure, she could have been a bit more understanding, but in the end, I take most of the blame for what happened.
My friends tell me I need to stop being so hard on myself, which is true, but this is how I build character.
Anyway, what had happened won't even matter a month from now but yesterday, I couldn't seem to get it out of my head.
It felt like I messed up a life-changing opportunity. I was beating myself up over it all day.
As I'm casually scrolling my twitter timeline, I start to realize other people talking about how today (yesterday now) felt extremely weird & off.
It was a good amount of people... my friend had even pointed out that celebrity, Chrissy Teigen, also felt an odd vibe yesterday.
Are we all just bat-shit crazy? Possibly. But I know what I felt.
I woke up today in a much, MUCH better mood. Yes, the events of this past weekend are still in & out of my head.
But the way they make me feel, emotionally, aren't as intensified. I realize they won't matter in a month, better yet, in a week.
I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason & time will reveal that reason.
Stay tuned.