i had to have a knee reconstruction last year after being hit by i car after months of phsio and hydrotherepy im finnaly feeling better mayby some yoga will help me keep the pain away. if heard its good for your breathing aswell
i had to have a knee reconstruction last year after being hit by i car after months of phsio and hydrotherepy im finnaly feeling better mayby some yoga will help me keep the pain away. if heard its good for your breathing aswell
Breathing is a fundamental aspect of yoga! Most modern humans take very shallow breaths, but it is much more fulfilling to engage the full lungs - consider it like pulling air into the belly.
Honestly, changing the way you breathe is one of the most valuable and accessible ways to upgrade health!
I think yoga would indeed help your body recover, and there are all kinds of ways to take a yoga practice. I don't know what kind of range of motion you have right now and how realistic a physical practice is, but taking meditation or engaging conscious breathing practices is a valid and important yoga practice in itself.
sweet thanks for the response . seems like such a simple thing . breathing.. but most people are doing it wrong . mayby you could do a blog on how to breath for dummies haha