I am in Crestone, Colorado for the first time on this journey. I am here to study and practice with a super incredible Ashtanga yoga teacher. She was part of the first group of yoga students to ever go to Mysore to study Ashtanga with Guruji Pattabhi Jois and to be to be certified to teach/share it.

Guruji Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore India
It's really interesting how the perception of practice changes and grows or is that you changing and growing? Connecting the practice while in Crestone has brought with it more understanding, honesty, and clarity. There is always what we don't know yet!
Having the honor to learn with this woman (Annie Pace) is humbling and eye-opening.
She learned from Pattabhi Jois at a time when the classroom allowed only 6 people to practice at a time and she was one. It began at a time he visited Colorado. She was invited to try this new Ashtanga yoga as it was just starting to gain exposure in the US. When she attended, he told her, "You come October!" So she said, "OK!" That was almost 40 years ago.
I feel extremely blessed for the opportunity to learn from her. And to all my supporters, as it’s also your words and support has assisted me to get to this place. Thank you all! Wish me luck today as I have my first practice here and it’s a private session! ☺️🕉
Annie Pace in Crestone Colorado
Have a wonderful day! 🌸🦋