Art by Evening Star 2013
1. Teach from the HEART! Practice compassion, joy and integrity.
2. Take care of your body mind and spirit. Always warm up , and teach students proper warm up techniques. Practice Yoga, and follow a balanced diet and exercise routine that INSPIRES you!
3. Recognize your limitations- Use moderation in all of your practices, take "rest days" and allow muscle groups to restore and heal. Take breaks from teaching to refresh your personal practice.
4. Meditate. Make time to find inner stillness in everyday life, and set aside time during the opening of classes and/or Savasana/ Corpse Pose to facilitate meditation. Use positive affirmations, and positive language with yourself and others.
5. Practice the Yamas: Ahimsa( non violence) towards yourself, your body, and others. Asteya ( non stealing) , Value yourself, do not compare or copy. Focus on your unique gift! Satya ( truth) Meditate as it helps you find clarity and inner truth. Brahmacharya ( continence, often linked to celibacy) Respect boundaries, physical and emotional. Aparigraha ( non-covetousness) Practice gratitude and keep desires limited to what is necessary and important.
6. Dedicate yourself to self study, self growth, and purity. Commit to your practice, and take classes by other teachers, and in different styles often. Open your mind to new thought patterns, and examine existing habits of mind and body.
7. When teaching, teach for the students individual needs. Adjust your class and curriculum to best suite the overall needs of the room. Give modifications and variations , and supply students with props.
8.Love and accept yourself and others unconditionally. Encourage, Uplift, and Inspire those around you.
9. Find your inspiration, and get involved with the community. Collaborate, Create, and build together. This may mean volunteering teaching yoga for a woman's shelter, or lending a hand at an animal shelter. You may attend a workshop with your fellow yogis, and expand your training. Perhaps you will bring yoga to a public park (for free!) , or host a special at your studio to gather food for a local food bank. There are countless ways that we as yogis and citizens can make a positive imprint on the community.
10. Be realistic and down to earth with goals and limit expectations. Stay grounded in the present moment. Allow life to unfold, and flow as life flows. Forgive yourself and others, and try to keep in mind that it's not so serious!
This information was compiled as part of my RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training through Yoga Alliance and Limber Tree Studios. As we all practice and grow together, it is important to always listen to your body. Practice yoga mindfully, and show your mind , body, and spirit compassion and love.
Evening Star
Great piece about healthy and fun practice!
That is very helpful. maybe you could write a post about Ayurveda as well? The correct food and diets