And by idiots I really mean me. As it happens, I've fucked up my back doing yoga and now I'm kinda groaning whenever I have to move. And I could pretend. Back pain isn't something uncommon in my family and I could pretend it was just bad genes, but I would still know.
And now, so would you, I suppose, since it's on the blockchain forever.
Right now, I have that dogged mood because even though I know it could be from something else, I also know I did something I shouldn't have and I did feel it during a certain move that I wasn't doing something good for my back. But did I listen? No. Bad Honey. And even worse, stupid Honey.

No, not me. I don't think I could do that. But would that stop me from trying? No. See what I mean? src
And you'd think I would learn, but I wouldn't. I mean, what was it, a week ago when I complained I'd fucked up a muscle in my foot doing yoga? See? Not bright.
Who knows, maybe it's old age... Finally caught up with me, could it be?
Oh well, I know I'll be alright in a day or two. It's not serious...but it got me thinking, how many not serious accidents does it take until something serious happens?
Not in yoga, I mean, though that too. I mean in life. And maybe not just accidents. People fuck up and they learn from it. Or they don't. And if we apply the same logic as in my title, idiots shouldn't be allowed to do life either.
I mean, say you fuck up once, twice - shouldn't the third time be strike-out? That's it, you screwed up three times, now fuck off. You're no longer allowed to try anymore.
Or do you learn eventually?
Seems to me everybody learns. It's just some people learn from monumental fuck-ups and we can't really afford many more fuck-ups on this Earth, can we?
So maybe it should be you fuck up twice and you get a warning, you get mild consequences to show you what can happen and make sure you get the message and then, if you fuck up a third time the same way, you get shot. Fair enough, I say.
I'm sure some of you won't agree, some of you will argue for a second chance, which would really be a fourth chance and a fifth and so on and so forth. And that would be lax governing. If people know they can fuck up, they will continue to do that.
Instead, if they know what fate awaits them at the third fuck up, they'll likely do their very best to learn the first time. And really, if they haven't learned from the past two fuck-ups, at max level effort, then let's face it, they're just a waste of time and resources. For others and for the Universe itself.
Really, how many more times is the Universe going to waste its breath telling you not to do that? At this rate, it will eventually get tired of our shit and kick us all to the curb. Let's not exhaust the Universe, shall we?
Cheers for reading,
Yes, it is really for some people that you need three situations to recover, and for someone there will be ten. But you need to wake up and begin to correct, because only left to rise up to 1.5 degrees and the planet will disappear.
oh man, i felt like I was reading a page out of my own diary, ive done the same thing so many times, my poor back. I hope you recovery quickly!
<3 be kind to yourself !
If by fucking up you mean something negative then you shouldn't even be allowed to fuck up the second time.
But by fucking up you mean injuring yourself by pushing yourself to achieve something positive. Just fuck it and keep fucking up.
Try reading "The subtle art of not giving a fuck" by Mark Mason. It an awesome read.
"bad Honey."
this reminds me. Some time ago I did promise to punish you if you will be gone from whaleshares for too long. spanks Honey
"Really, how many more times is the Universe going to waste its breath telling you not to do that?"
But doesn't this mean that the Universe is fucking up as well? Surely by now it should just bang itself to death?😝
Nah, I don't think the Universe is to blame. Not for our idiocy anyway...:)
Oh my, I hope it's not as serious as it seems, get well soon. And, mistakes happen, this player was surely not stupid