Thanks. Yes, I'm very familiar with the flow of creative spark...especially the lack thereof part :0 (I don't really take it so seriously as to allow it to upset me, though)
I, myself, have lacked the motivation to proceed with my prior plan here on Steemit and, quite frankly, have lacked any real direction in how I treat my time here.
Regardless, I've enjoyed the experience for the most part and I, like you, see great potential in Steemit, and that's part of what draws me to it. The bigger attraction, however, is the diverse number of adept writers on this platform (usually on their own niche topics, like you with your yoga articles) whom continue to put out original and high quality content.
I see it as a far healthier and productive use of my time compared to, say, watching a television show, at least in terms of intellectual stimulation.
And I particularly enjoy reading over your materials because they remind me that life isn't all about seeking out stimulation (pleasure/pain response) - they tend to slow me down a bit and ground me in a more open (relaxed/ expanded) awareness/ acceptance.
It brings me back home, to the place where all my fondest memories reside and the re-acquaintance with the only real mental clarity that I know, happens. To this, I am grateful.
Yes, I noticed looking through your blog that all I could see recently were resteems.
I look forward to any more that you will write - I have enjoyed your crypto analyses (I'm fascinated by the potential with all this) and particularly recall an article you wrote on spirituality and life which was very insightful.
Amen to that!
And thank you again for your generous words.
These are so much more valuable than steem to me.
Love & Peace & Freedom