Ha! I figured the modern trucks were very smooth riding. I guess I got that one wrong. I'm sorry to hear that. Are you joking about being crippled up?
No, I can't do anything as far as anything that takes being limber and flexible!
Ha! I figured the modern trucks were very smooth riding. I guess I got that one wrong. I'm sorry to hear that. Are you joking about being crippled up?
No, I can't do anything as far as anything that takes being limber and flexible!
My neck is in real bad shape. Constant pain, stiff neck. From childhood and evil keneivel type lifestyle. Add an almost 30 yrs. of....
Bumpy Road Bobble Heading...
Modern trucks might ride better..... This one is a 2006. That is 14 yrs. OLD
I have had a 1993 / 1996 / 1999 / 2006.... And I drove some real Clunkers B4 I bought my first truck in 1996. But You know that old saying.... They are all NEW 2 ME.....
Well that sucks. What do you take for the pain, if anything?
I don't like taking meds. That is why I am such a miserable prick.... Lmao
Advil if it gets real bad. I gotta sleep a certain way or it is a long rough day.
You got and old battle wounds...?
well I bet you'll eventually find some effective natural pain killers. I assume you've gone to some good chiropractors or natural medicine doctors?
My back is pretty sensitive, sometimes it goes out on me for no apparent reason. That's from way overlifting in jobs over the years and not being smart. lol. I gotta be careful about it but unless it goes out there isn't constant pain or anything. If it goes out I can hardly move.
Yes, gotta great chiro at home. But we cut him from the budget from hell.
Going to get back in rotation soon.
I take glucosamine/chonjointrant (sp?) helps put the lube back in the joints/vertabre
Howdy this morning sir krazzytrukker! That is good and I think Hyaluronic acid is even better. I forgot about my knees when you asked if I had any issues. Yes, I spent about 25 years, much of it on my knees, when I had a floor maintenance business so they're wore down and painful if I have to get down on them.
I take a product that is a combination of Hyaluronic acid and collagen and I could tell the difference in my knees almost immediately. Go to vitacost.com and enter Root Biocell Collagen and read about it..it's amazing stuff.
I will have my Nurse @pooky-jax look into that. My Gluc/Chon supply is getting low.
Is that stuff expensive...?