I love to do yoga! It is really important for my physical and mental health! I know that some of you might think that yoga is a really light sport and has nothing to do with physical training but you are wrong!... Sure - as you don´t need a license to be a yoga teacher there are many "kinds" of yoga in our western world and some of them have nothing to do with the original.
I will write more about that soon. But just that you know, scientists studied the actual sport and have verified that it relieves circulatory disorder, insomnia, fear and depression, chronic headaches and back pain.
Doing the Asanas you are training your strength, flexibility, balance and the power of endurance of your muscles. As in any sport you feel a lot more present in the moment and your body but moreimportantly you get more and more access to your whole body and learn how to move and control it training your muscles from deep down :)
I am a Yoga instructor and obviously as I am in Europe for this two month I am using my time to get some practice ;) That´s why I haven´t been blogging so much the past 4 days. I am in Tirol doing a whole week of yoga eating vegan to detox my body and get in shape for my trip :)
From last saturday on until next saturday my days look like that:
- 7:30 o´clock: Pranayama
- 8:00-11:00 o´clock: Yoga Asanas
- 11:15 o´clock: Brunch
- 15:00-17:00 o´clock: Yoga Asanas
- 17:15 o´clock: Dinner

I really enjoy my stay here so far and I am doing great. We are doing mostly Iyengaryoga but also a bit of Yin yoga in the evenings. In Mexico I also did a lot of Ashtanga Yoga!
Here a video of BKS Iyengar practicing so you get a bit of an idea ;) This is trained to the perfection obviously:
Also nice: Ashtanga Yoga:
The main difference is that Iyengar let people be for a long time in one position giving a lot of detailed instructions, the Asanas are variable. Ashtanga is always done in a flow. The sequences are always the same in Ahtanga yoga.
This is how our dinner looked like today:
Very healthy, deliciouse and vegan!
I always loved to do yoga on my trips and will go on with it.
Here a view pics from some of my past trips for you to enjoy. Do sports, eat well and stay healthy to enjoy life a bit longer ;)
Gran Canaria, Spain
London, Great Britain
Dolomites, Italy
Rainforest, Costa Rica
Riviera Maya, Mexico
Acapulco, Mexico
Easter Island, Chile
Atacama Desert, Chile

Toskana, Italy
I hope yo liked this post and I am always grateful for every Upvote, Follow & Resteem because you are supporting my world travel with it and I will be able to report you from all this places :)
Namaste , Liz
Beautiful post! All it takes is self awareness! Become aware of your breath and you are a yogi! Walk the middle path and show loving kindness and detached compassion. Namaste <3
I am glad you liked my post. It is nice to have a yogi visiting my blog! You know exactly what you are talking about! I am enjoying every second of the yoga classes even though they are really taff! Hope to see you around my friend.
Likewise :) Mucho amor <3
WOW! Very informative article. Thanks for taking the time to write that, images a plus! Do you feel your opinion may change on this topic in the next coming years?
Hey, glad you liked it! Welcome to the community my friend! Let me know if you need anything! I hope that I can keep on practicing like I do right now.. living in Mexico it wasn´t always that easy to maintain the physical power. I would love to teach more and learn also more about massages.
Nice photos, you have a very beautiful face
Haha thanks! Glad you like my face :D
Agradécele a tus papas, al parecer te encanta la aventura, q padre lo q estás haciendo ya soy tu fan
Lo haré :) Gracias.
Thank you for sharing your journey. Quite an adventure it seems!
It is! I love it :) Right now everything hurts but I am feeling fit again and I know its getting better. It is a lovely pain :D haha If you know what I mean. I love your posts by the way! Following :)
Yes, I do know what you mean, ha! Thanks so much for taking the time read my posts; always encouraging to know they're being seen.
Sure! In the beginning its always a bit hard to get attention! But your posts are great! Don´t give up :) Steem on.
I do some yoga, and I taught Pilates for two years. I find that both are about mind and body connection. They make you pay attention to your body, how you move, how you feel, how you are aligning yourself, and it's all an extended metaphor for me and my life, pay attention and align yourself. The food looks delicious!
Hi @travelman. I see you just joined our community this month so welcome! :) Pilates is actually based on yoga, that is why you may see connections between them. I know exactly what you mean! For me Yoga is soo important to maintain my balance in life. Being in the Asanas teaches us soo much! How to be strong and let go at the same moment ;) And every time you do the Asana its different - just like in real life. I just love it and hope to do much more of it on my travels.
Nächstes Wintersemester besuche ich wieder unseren Yoga-Kurs an der Uni. Wenn ich das vorher gewusst hätte... Ich hätte gern irgendwann mal eine private Session (:
Viel Spaß bei der Yoga-Ausübung auf dem gesamten Globus (:
Den Kopfstand kann ich Dir auch noch beibringen, den kann ich seit 10 Jahren :-)
Jetzt musst du aber zu deinem Wort stehen, wenn wir uns das nächste mal treffen :P
Haha das will ich sehen @twinner!! Gerne können wir mal eine kleine Session einlegen ;) aber vor dem Bier :D
I am impressed by your flexibility ! Keep it up ! :D
It was a lot better before Mexico but I am getting it back now :D Every day one step closer.
Wunderschöne Orte hast du da besucht, mein voller Respekt dafür.
Danke dir :) Bald kommen wieder mehr dazu.