Hola! There's a teaching degree for yoga? Really? I thought 200 hours is enough. I was planning to study on March 2018 in either Thailand or India.
You're right about finding balance in yoga. I love it coz it changes the way I see things in life and relationships in a positive way.
I did sirsasana yesterday and I fell lol! It was a bad fall coz my lower back is kinda hurting now. But I'm sure I will feel better tomorrow and practice again. Namaste 🙏🏻❤️
Oh I'm so sorry! Not a degree (my bad)! 200h is the one, yeah!
And good job for falling! I have countless videos of me falling out of headstand 😂 I love watching them because it reminds me that there is a lot of work behind the pretty photos we see on instagram and social media!
My back feels a lot better now. I should copy you and record myself so I will see my progress. What's your favorite yoga pose? 😊
My favourite yoga pose must be Matsyasana, fish pose, #4 here . Lying in savasana after that one just feels amazing! What's yours? 😄
My favorite is child pose. 😝
Haha. I love it!
Namaste. :)