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RE: "I Live In A World of Facts, Not Lollipop Land", or Fragile Masculinity Invades Yoga Space

in #yoga8 years ago

Interesting that crying sex discrimination was his first response. Was there anything leading up to this that would have contributed to the male/female dynamic or competition in your mind? I mean for him (as a male, or hell, as a female for that matter) to accuse you of sex discrimination out of the blue seems...odd. I could think of lots of things to say as a smart ass comeback to you (if I was so inclined), but THAT would never even cross my mind!

Anyway, dude has issues. We all do. But some of us are humble enough to acknowledge and work on them and other's ego's are so fragile that they deny and hide them. I can forgive a lot if I see that the person is trying to work on his stuff. But I don't have time for people who don't.

Anyway, this was VERY good to know. Thanks for sharing. Xoxo.


As far as I recollect there was zero lead up aside from the conversation about Starbucks. It seemed entirely out of the blue to me. Even his tone about the Starbucks seemed oddly challenging, though that isn't obvious in my write up here. Maybe I had stepped into a conversation I knew nothing about when I showed up. He came across like he had a point to prove and maybe it wasn't to me.