Yes...that’s it exactly. You helped state it more clearly. Thank you.
Regarding your last paragraph...for me it’s about deciding how I want to be rather than who. The who, in my view, is pretty fixed. We are born with programming, a calling, dharma or whatever you like to call it. The only decision we can control is to live in alignment with that or to fight it. And then, yes, establishing habits around supporting that choice. Also, i won’t take total credit for how fortunate I have been in life. Yes, some good habits but lots of luck involved as well. I am for whatever reason a ridiculously lucky girl. 🙏🏽
Luck is pretty important, I think. We have this funny word in German for someone who is always lucky: Glückspilz (Lucky mushrom 🍄) and I too think I have always been very lucky 😁 And yes, I am very thankful for that.
Interesting what you say about the programming. That resembles a concept also taught by my former Tarot teacher, but in connection with the Horoscope. We often see certain personality traits in the different signs. He explained it this way: the Horoscope can be compared to a list of actors sent to us when we are born and now we are to direct the movie of our life with them. The more the movie we make is in alignment with the group of performers we have, the easier and more consistent it will be in the end. For instance, if we have some really tough action movie guys, it will be hard to create an emotional romance novel. On the other hand, if you get some very emotional softies, it will be difficult to do an action packed thriller... hope this makes sense.
I like the idea of deciding how one wants to be 😊