She is stronger because she had to be, How is that for a happily ever after?! 😉 💙 🌸 💙 🌸 💙 🌸 💙 🌸 💙 🌸 💙 🌸 💙 🌸 Wishing you a beautiful day full of happiness and good vibes, Namaste! P.S. “The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." ~ Audrey Hepburn
Smarter because of her mistakes,
Happier because of the sadness she'd known,
And wiser because she learned,
She is not the person you used to know.
Because one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong,
And full of fire in her soul,
And that not even she could hold herself back,
Because her passion burned brighter than her fears.
She is unstoppable, uninterruptable,
A wildfire.
That princess she once was rose from the ashes and crowned herself the queen.