Thank you! :)
It depends on how you go into krakasana. Are you jumping into it? Here are some guidelines:
- Hands shoulder width apart, elbows bent
- Place your knees on your upper arms and gently lower your weight onto them
- Look AHEAD on your mat (and not straight down)
- Gradually shift your weight forward, as if you are trying to rise from your toes
- When you feel that your weight is mostly on your hands, gently lift one foot at a time.
The most important thing is to do it slowly and controlled. If you jump into it it is so much harder (and takes a lot longer) to find your balance. :)
Let me know if it helps, if not, more specifically what goes wrong.
Gotcha! I will give it a try! 🙏🏻
Amazing! Let me know how it goes! 😊💜