I upvoted this right away, but failed to respond. We have since spoken in discord, as well, but i wanted to publically thank you for the very kind and encouraging words.
You are are very insightful and philosophical man, and i admire that. I also admire all the work you have done for the children and people in your community in Venezuela and I am very honored and proud to have been a tiny part of your efforts there. Thank you for being you, my friend!
remind me in discord what your screenname is over there please? since you stole my comment? (this comment was edited and replaced, since I did't catch my own words being played back to me in my exhaustion from doing REAL work, unlike you, who just scams his way along accomplishing nothing but drawing contempt and disgust for himself from others.)
You must have been bleary-eyed, my friend. @jabed76391 did a copy and paste of your previous comment. I will let you deal with that.
Son of a bitch so they did. Time for some asshole flaggin'!
Just realized you are a low life plagiarizing comment thief @Jabed76391. I'm sure your parents would be disgusted to know this is what their child came to be. Go away, this is not welcome on this platform.
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