How We Donated School Supplies to 130 Kids in Impoverished Communities in Nigeria Through The Power of Steem

in #youarehope7 years ago (edited)

Recipient pupil at Annang People's School, Obio Ndot

A Bit of An Appreciation

First I want to personally say a big Thank You to the founder of @YouAreHope, @sircork, and everyone that supports its humanitarian aid initiative to reach far away places with Help, Opportunity, Purpose and Empowerment. And to the Steem network too, for making it possible to decentralize charity. Aided by the transparency offered on the Steem blockchain, we are now attaining optimum impact with our donations.

How It Started

Just last week I pledged to donate 26 STEEM to buy school supplies to 13 kids in a local community near me. I invited the support of the other members of this community, through a Steemit post. And the response was overwhelming. I had a personal goal to reach 50 kids and by calculations I needed 74 STEEM more.

Things Escalated Real Quick... For The Better

Sircork's comment on announcement post

Ding! It happened almost as fast as I posted. @Sircork commented he was going to, on behalf of the charity he founded, partner in the outreach by meeting our fund-raising goal. That easy.

Just why @tt-dogg flagged that comment is beyond my comprehension. I assume there is a time and circumstance in life where we drop our primordial complications and just be humans. I thought everyone should be really really happy about such an announcement.

It didn't stop there. The good sir messaged me on Discord and asked if I had the logistic abilities and enough kids in need to double that outreach. Wow! I underestimated the power of this community. Cork sent the donation almost immediately through his organizations's account.

Add to that the donations of @vachemorte, @jassennessaj, @givonwayne, @my451r, @underground, @jonknight and @snooway we were already at 231.6 STEEM. The announcement post that was largely resteemed by the many people who supported us raised a total ~25 STEEM (100% of both liquid and SP reward). That put us at 256.6 STEEM. I didn't dare to dream that we could do that much, but the community believed in me and my timid vision. For that I am grateful.

The Task We Undertook

Another thing I underestimated was the effort required to pull this off. I want to send a big thank you to my mum for helping with the purchase of those items. It was tedious. With her help and my brother's we sorted the statoneries into each of the bags, according to the categories of pupils we were going to reach out to (pre-primary, early/middle primary and those at the periphery of graduation.)

My mum's not-too-spacious kitchen served as the sorting center

sorting of books and stationeries into bags

At this time we had contacted three schools in Oruk Anam and Ukanafun Local Government Areas, asking the heads of the schools to provide us with the names of children with the most need of school supplies. Sixty, Forty and Thirty pupils from these schools. We got to know these kids were mostly orphans, and the teachers even had to prioritize kids without both parents, before those with one parent, and then those who had parents who were really really poor. The day for the outreach was set to Monday 22/01/2018.


We loaded up the car.

All set to move

We sorted them in three groups to make distribution easy as we had just 3 hours to visit 3 schools

Some dash cam selfie... Quiz: which is me? Ox-blood or checkered?

With that we hit the road to the first of the three schools. The administrators were expecting us. I would just share pictures and let them tell the tale of a day that would go down as the most fulfilling day of my recent years.

At the Headmaster's office as we put finishing touches on the arrangement for the exercise

Look at those beautiful souls

The Teachers were helpful in the organization

Just look at them :)

I can't remember exactly but I think someone was saying a prayer here

Myself and @Ewuoso (who happened to be in my city and decided to join us) with some of the kids. Is he taller than me? Nah! Bloody perspective :laughing:

Just look closely and you would see what these kids carry as "bags" :(

The Carlpro takes in everyone

@Awesomeabasiono (it was coincidentally his birthday too) with some of the kids

That moment Ewuoso has to reflect and admit he has been so privileged all his life. See those cuties?

All in all we distributed sixty-six supplies in this school. Sixty was alocated but believe me it is hard to totally stick to a plan when you stare desperation in the face. So we had to short stock for the other schools.

And off we headed to the second school...

We successfully distributted 40 supplies to 40 kids in the first of the two schools we visited in Ukanafun.

And with that we left for the next one...

By this time we were already exhausted from the exercise. But we had to run to the next school before the bell at 1:30 PM.

This was by far the most exciting, maybe because we were stoked ny the success of the preceeding ones. And the school was happy too. Now look at this:

That wrapped the day for us. It was intense, stressful, really emotional, but it was worth all of it. I saw happiness take on despair and hopelessness.

Some of the teachers thought we were campaigning for elections that are around the corner. I mean that is the only time politicians visit them with any kind of kindness. And, since we mentioned politicians, I figure I should get this off my chest and done with: All of this effort cost us just a little over 400,000 Nigerian Naira. A day before our outreach, the governor of my state had gathered the highest echelon of clergymen around the country to commission the buiding of a "worship center" and the cost for that is put at 10,000,000,000 Naira. Billion with a B! And I dare say that EVERY kid in the schools we visited (and all the public schools in the state) were living in abject poverty and so underfunded to have any hope of competing with their peers around the world. You see the state of African leadership? That's a story for another day though.

Some Challenges

All of this wasn't without its challenge. The price of Steem took a deep to about $4.71 at the time we were about to cash out. But thanks to the excess donations we could still reach out to 130 pupils. Far more than we anticipated.

The bigger threat to the execution of this project was a mistake I own every right to: I mistakenly sent 191 STEEM to Bittrex with my SBD memo. I have filed a support ticket and hope to be refunded in the future. Even if that'll take six months, as long as they refund. If you have any experience or advice regards that, please feel free to share. That meant I had to get funds from elsewhere and carry on with the project I owed this community accountability on. And I am proud to say I pulled it off.

End Notes

It's a rather long report but I couldn't have made it any more concise. I mean with all that awesomeness? :wink:

Once again I want to thank everyone who supported this in one way or another. You made life better for someone else and you offered hope to someone who didn't have any. I bet that comes with its reward.

I am convinced everyday that the power to change the world is in our hands. With decentralization and lightening speed transactions in our arsenal, we are all the more closer to that world we only dreamt of. Thank you, Steem community, for making this possible.

I am glad at the opporunity to represent you.

Ubokobong Akpan,

Special thanks to @abass-jason, @awesomeabasiono, @ewuoso for being the foot soldiers on ground to make this happen. And to my friend Edidiong "Billy" Sampson too who gave that much that day. I look forward to having you join Steem too. I love you guys.


This is absolutely incredible!!! It's such a good feeling to know people like you exist. What you have done, and those photos are truely heart melting <3 Thank you


@battleaxe showed me this and it reminds me of the works of @kofpato and @steem4depoor helpng children round the world now, all using steem blockchain post rewards, we dont need to ask anyone for any donations JUST upvotes!

ITS S PROFITABLE to DONTE UPVOTES! you earn CURATION and if you buy Steempower JUST t vote with you get to EARN profiut off the value of steem going uyp! we can make peopel RICH while they help the needy, and these needy poor peopel can be transformed into WEALTHY people and middle class workers! We can EASILY use Billions of Humn brains like steem miners... Bitcoiners have their Asics, Eth miners have their GPU Graphics Cards,.. and us steemians have Human brain! we are going to use ALL the extra human brains on this planet as MONEY machines! MINING with human brains!

That was a beautiful logic! We mine with our brains, we even get rewarded by supporting courses that would make the world better; all under an indelible public ledger that audaciously demands accountability. Perfecto!

thanks for the shout out @ackza....why this post got attacked only strengthened the resolve of what I call "Team Good" we may run in different circles at times but our hearts are in the right place
@sircork, this post brought a tear to my eye, is beautiful

Wow... I feel so privileged to have finished school with school bags...

Thanks @misterakpan for doing this great work, you've really spur me to give more than i would ever could.

We had thing poster on the walls of my parent's home, growing up. It read something like, "I was crying because I had no shoes, until I met someone who had no legs." I took that message really seriously as a kid. I'm glad this inspired you 😊

I'm glad this inspired you 😊

Yea, you really inspired me...

This is commendable sir. It takes a man with a kind heart to engage in humaniterian services and community aid projects. The supports of steemians would never have come forth without an individual to take initiative. I hope to grow in this community to be able to do this too

I am glad to identify with a man like you. When you spoke especially when we met at the statch launch, i heard passion for what you do in your voice. Keep on the good work. May increase always be your portion.

I am @desmonddesk

Thank you, bro. Really appreciate the kind words. Stick to your game and soon enough you would do a lot more. It was a great delight to meet you guys at STACH. Are you based in Uyo?

No. I base in Calabar. I only came in for the hub launch. Though I arrived late but I learned a lot that day. The inspiring success stories of everyone made so much sense to me.
I already have started out plans to impact others in my community. For now it is by introducing some young folks with mobile phones to join steemit. As I grow on the platform I will better be able to carry out visible humanitarian projects. You are an inspiration sir. @misterakpan

Wow. This gave me the chills. You are a good man and I am proud to call you my friend and brother. Much love - Carl

Dear @carlgnash , you are the good man here, A lot of good stories about you. let the brotherly love continue

In Italy we are always asking for donations to the poorest countries through television advertising, but there is a lot of skepticism because it is always asked for help but never shown what is done with that money. I am finally happy to see something concrete and to know something more about this world through steemit. I will follow your initiatives, congratulations!

Maybe the blockchain is revolutionizing charity too :) It's a transparent economy and social structure we are building here. I am glad that means a thing to you.

Regards from Nigeria.

@misterakapan I must commend you for this great responsibility you took upon thy shoulders,
I would also love to use this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed in one way or the other to the success of this charity show.
Remember: no service to God without service(s) to humanity and what so ever you do the least of thy brothers, you do unto God.
I can see the smiles on their faces, i am convinced they were/are happy and God is happy too.

I would love to ask for a favor, i can't be left out in this huge blessing.
Please in subsequent occasions, kindly keep me in the loop.
Kudos to @Ewuoso | @Awesomeabasiono et al .

Awesome, bro. I appreciated your joining us later on. I would sure keep you in the loop.

Well done Son, well done.

With this kind of track record, I think the YAH foundation is worth it! SALUTE to Mr Akpan and Sir Cork, working together for GOOD. HUGE Success! :D

Thank you, Pop. For believing in me, for letting me share in your vision. We are doing great things already <3

OMG this is beautiful!!

my heart is beating strong of the emotion that gave me see those photos, and the video is even better, the children dancing and singing celebrating with happiness

Thanks you for making theirs live a little better <3

Hey buddy! I hope you know you inspire me a great deal. Keep changing the world from your end, I would from mine... till we meet in the middle of a perfect earth :)

Well done boss. God bless you and everybody who contributed.
I'm only sad I wasn't part of this.
If you need more for soldiers next time, I'll avail myself.

I don't think anyone have had a better birthday than I did. I've never pushed a knife into a cake but I felt like a commissioned a massive project just by being part of this GREAT exercise. @misterakpan, you just erected a non-physical landmark, big ups to you and every supporter. I can feel the appreciation of those kids within me. Let's keep linking this endless chain, I'm always in, fully in.

:) Thank you for all the support. You helped actualize this a great deal. God's blessings follow you <3

Not only have you encouraged and given hope to those kids. You've struck a major chord in me (speaking from a music perspective). I'm off to my dash board to target my every motive and resource to helping someone.


That's a great one! Keep me in the loop on what you plan :) Cheers, bro.

@misterakpan ...these kids were not expectant of any little piece of the I firmly took notice of those golden expressions of unimaginable joy; they just could not hide any from me. Being a part of this was great.
@Ewuoso ...nice to meet, @awesomeabasiono ...good work

Thank you, bro. For all your contribution. It was a good labour of love.

This is massive @misterakpan. I had really wanted to be a part of this. Your kind is rare and I know that the parents of those children and those lads will never forget this gesture. More heights man.

This is an amazing initiative you undertook @misterakpan !

That'll be great. "A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Let's change the world, together :)

I just caught this part in a slower re-reading.

The bigger threat to the execution of this project was a mistake I own every right to: I mistakenly sent 191 STEEM to Bittrex with my SBD memo. I have filed a support ticket and hope to be refunded in the future. Even if that'll take six months, as long as they refund. If you have any experience or advice regards that, please feel free to share. That meant I had to get funds from elsewhere and carry on with the project I owed this community accountability on. And I am proud to say I pulled it off.

I have done this and it takes a couple of weeks, but it will come back around. I wish you had let me know right away though, so that I could have helped more in the short term while it get's sorted out.

Thank you for the assurance that it will come back. I figure it will be on the day STEEM hits $12 ;-)

And, I appreciate that you would have helped pacify that in the short term. I just am not good with offering excuses where I should be responsible :) Ego. I guess that's a good thing still.

My kind regards, and thanks again for the opportunity to be of help. You (and everyone of your supporters) and the rest of the steemians who believed in us made it happen. Love.

Wow this is absolutely incredible. Brings tears to my eyes brotha. I'm so sad I missed the post but I've got ginabot set up and I'm stalking you now haha. If you ever plan on doing something like this again, you have my support 100%.

:) Thank you, brotha. I would be sure to let you know. It was a refreshing experience for all of us who made it happen. I would let you in on that feeling next time ;)

This is such a heart-warming story. And the photography is beautiful. Glad to see more and more decentralized charity like this through the power of Steem...

This is absolutely amazing! You do such great work! What an inspiration!

Thank you, Jade. We will do more when we have hundreds of thousands of creatives like you driving this economy we are building :-)

I am inspired bro. God bless you.

God bless you too, bro. That was made possible by this amazing community you and I belong to, and make up. Steem for the world! :)

This is super amazing
@misterakpan keep reaching out to those in need and giving hope.
Thumbs up

Hmm! I am speechless. Things masses in Nigeria are facing!

This is truly the power of steemit, well done to everyone involved.

Good post

You have idea how special opportunity is. Many have this opportunity but are blind to its importance. But im glad God gave you that heart, strength and love to see this through. These children will never forget the good you impacted into their lives. I'm proud of you

i am glad i could be of help that day. It gave me joy. Thank you for thinking about other people. God bless yhu

Great work guys..I sent a donation to @youarehope. I hope to make more donations to initiatives such as this in the future.

Touching the lives of this children and putting smiles on the faces of their parents shows how much you care about their future. Thank you sir and God bless you

That moment Ewuoso has to reflect and admit he has been so privileged all his life. See those cuties?

How on earth did i miss that.

But i tell yhu what yhu did was awesome

I have always try to show you, how good you are @misterakpan ...but i think righteousness is self satisfactory, mentoring me had been a great joy in me...i always marvel at your voice of how cute it sound..thank you for putting joy in the heart of those young ones and also me. And @carlgnash thanks for your efforts.

Great job bro.

Wow! Much love to you my friend. Thank you for making this world a better place.

Great work you have done, @misterakpan and @youarehope @surpassinggoogle @ewuoso
etc take a look at this too...

was told its not even only my school around here that that is the standard here, i was almost crying, as a corp member serving there i hope to help them someday soon, at least a little i can do to contribute to the school...

What a beautiful work, it is a reality is admirable, every time I am more convinced that this community is made up of people with a huge heart that is beautiful to use the means given to contribute with the social reason to help, I am very proud of all you wonderful work have all my admiration, continue like this, success sure will receive many blessings...

WHHoooaaaa, so amazing to see the result so fast!! Those kids look awesome and so are you!!! Keep working daily miracle brother, you are creating a brighter future for everybody!!!

Whoa, this is amazing. This is exactly the sort of stuff the whole decentralization movement is about. What an excellent effort, a wonderfully told story and a comprehensively drafted blog showing the details. Amazing. These are the stories I want to hear more about on Steemit. Fantastic work @misterakpan!