Actually I just took a bath on my way to the museum so what the heck I shared it on Twitter this one’s for you Bernie🤣
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Actually I just took a bath on my way to the museum so what the heck I shared it on Twitter this one’s for you Bernie🤣
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Just so you're aware, I've unfollowed and muted you.
I find some of the photos and content you post of your 11 year old daughter disturbing and the fact that you condone the disgusting comments about her on the posts is shameful.
She's your daughter. Not your BFF. Act like the mother of an 11 year old. She's not even 18, she's just a baby.
About time someone said something, even when comparing the “daughter” photos one looks younger than the other girl being posted. I’ve sensed something odd from the start yet many people have been in support of this bad behavior. Thank you for telling it!
Hi Bernie I looked at that comment you directed me to and I want you to know that all correspondence is always and has always in the past been directed at me so when I said oh you’re silly or however I worded it I was going through the steam comments responding to messages I was not aware that his message was directed at Ava. I am going to speak with him directly this evening when I get home. Aside from that there’s nothing more to say about it because now people are picking on the main image and it’s just a picture of Ava smiling with glasses on it doesn’t show anything. The only concern I can see would be that message and thank you for drawing it to my attention. Sometimes as I mentioned I respond to people through the comment section of steam and not post by post I honestly thought the person was speaking to me and I just said you’re silly.
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You post a picture of your daughter, people say they want relations based off that picture, and you think they're talking to YOU?
She tends to do this with people who have some power, when it’s someone without influence convo turns to attack mode and drama.
Yep! Apparently we are all jealous of her pimping out her daughter because we are unattractive.
Love that this shit shows up in my feed.. some people really need to just be smacked.
Total Smackdown🤣🤣
lol wao!
Just reading the comments below given the proof... What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? You claim you are in your 30's but damn, you are putting your young daughter on the internet portraying shes a sexy girl and acting as though she is available to the predators out there. Are you trying to sell her? I am really trying to hold back the many things that need to be said....
Go see a damn doctor and get your mind checked... It is rare that I say this shit to people but fuck, you are a waste of a person, being called a mother is a title earned! Stop ruining this title for the actual mothers that raise and PROTECT their kids. Fucking grow up you horny cunt! GAHHH! She is your daughter! FFS!!!
im with you im a dad maybe froim other siode of the world, but what the hell is riding you to set your KID into this form into the NET..i need to stop my self to say not much more which maybe not nice... but i have to sign what Foxy said....
The fact that one guy said in relations to her daughters picture, on a post about how she relates to the famous sex icon, Jessica Rabbit... Says this
just make her feel more sexy comparing her to a cartoon sex idol... WTF is that shit??? and then she replies:
$0.002 votes
The mother was not at all involved in this post apart from writing it.
this is awful... and at least to do as ohh... i dont know what you re talking about ... grml... it drives me really angry when i see when someone is so careless with hte own kid...
It is heartbreaking that the child's life is not taken so seriously. :(
here an example, I almost vomit:
I am disgusted.
THIS needs to STOP.
Yes it does need to stop it’s ridiculous. I don’t live in Afghanistan I’m an adult I’m in my 30s and I can show my legs if I want to on my own personal Twitter.
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But that's just it, if it WAS just your own personal account, that would be different. But it isn't. It's the "Mother Daughter Vlogging Team". I have a daughter myself and she is near to Ava's age, and there is no way in Hell that I would ever post pictures of myself like that on a page I shared with her. Does she not read the comments all these strange and perverted men are leaving for you? And for HER? What the hell are you even thinking?
The profile pic makes it look like you're pimping your 11 year old daughter. Stop playing dumb.
Pretty sure she meant you. No one cares about you showing your legs, stop play dumb as you aren’t fooling anyone. This is disgusting.
@kawaiicrush no offense but... why is it that you are always involved in drama?
It never ends. She loves it
Just so you know, it is very confusing from an outside perspective since you have your daughter's pic as your main pic.
Why did you delete your twitter?
Now, since she is absolutely OBSESSED with me, she spends her entire day manually posting and commenting about me in order to try and troll me.
THE TRUTH ABOUT @kawaiicrush:@kawaiicrush is a whack job who was posting manipulated photos of her 10 year old daughter, pretending they were herself in order to attract men. What a fucking disgusting excuse for a mother.What a pathetic twat you are @kawaiicrush, we all see it. Maybe you should spend time with that daughter of yours rather than worrying so much about approval from others on the internet, but, we're all used to seeing you exploit and neglect your daughter so this isn't surprising.
Is this you or your 11yr old daughter though? It’s confusing as you use her photo for your profile images on twitter and Steem but then sexualize yourself like this. So I assume that’s on purpose?
Please stop pimping out your child for attention, and condoning disgusting comments about the images you post of her like those below. When you post a sexulized image of an underage kid and some guy tells you it arouses him, “lol” shouldn’t be your response. This is disgusting.
in response to this image
Those voting this shit should be ashamed of themselves.
Since she started her muting and flagging spree, she won't see this. BUT, it seems like she's being purposely obtuse. It disgusting beyond words.