in #yourself4 years ago


Read on to know who I'm referring to...

Greatness is what everyone wants to achieve in life, both young and old. And this has lead to people mapping and setting out big plans for themselves to achieve their desire. But, do you want to know the secret to greatness? It's in reading!! Yes, it lies in proper study and research.

"Study to yourself authorized unto God, a workman that requires not to be ashamed, rightly allocating the term of the validity". So says the scripture. You should always understand that there's no other way to success or greatness, except in reading and researching. In fact, which plan are you making when you have not properly made your research?

You want to set up a business or ministry, and you've not done proper research on what you intend to do. I'm sorry to say this to you, you're a joker! Yes, you are!! Listen to me, the challenges and trials you're passing through right now have been experienced by someone else, who has authored a book about that situation you're passing through and has revealed ways to overcome. But ignorance won't let you be!!

You are so lazy in reading books! Nobody will force you to grow or develop yourself. Whatever you fail to do now, you will surely reap the result later. I know you're not financially equipped enough, but you spend at least #200 on your phone daily or even more. Why not use that money to download ebooks and feed your mind, if you can't afford a hard copy.

And for you, that kept on saying that you don't have a smartphone to download ebooks. You can as well borrow from friends or neighbours. Listen to me, ignorance is not an excuse!!

NOTE: Your present challenges have been overcome by someone else, who has authored a book, and at the same time revealed to you how to overcome it. It is left for you to sit down and study properly! If you don't develop yourself by proper study, you might weep tomorrow.



The majority of the world's population don't place value on themselves, only a few do and those are the few that rises to the position of influence. Do you want to become great in this life?

Place value on yourself! Arrive with me, let me indicate to you something.

What is VALUE?

We have different definitions of value, but allow me to give you the dictionary meaning of value.

Value means to regard highly


Evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of something or someone(emphasis mine). Like I said before, we live in a world where only a few people place value on themselves, while others are left to dance to the dictates of men. Those who place value on themselves can never be manoeuvered by any man, not even the kings and presidents of this world.

Placing value on yourself is, giving yourself a standard definite protocol in all spheres of life. I know you don't understand this.

Come with me

It means letting people know what you stand for, anytime, and anywhere, without compromise. Some people can't fully define what they stand for, that's the reason why anyone can use them anyhow they want and still go their way. If you don't exist for anything, you will plunge for something.

In this life, there's no neutral ground. It's either you place value on yourself and stand for it, or you're used by others to the detriment of yourself. Most ladies are easily lured to bed because they refuse to place value on themselves, so a man can flash some few cash in their presence and before you know it, they've already fallen for the man and that leads to their defilement.

What a pity!!

When the value is in place you can't be cajoled to do what is not your desire! Place strict value on yourself so that anyone that sees you will know what you stand for, and for this reason, give you a high level of respect. Placing value on yourself is not pride, it's an act to define who you truly are and what you stand for. Respect can't buy you value, but value can buy you respect.

Think about it.


It's indeed an article to be read for future use, and if we want to build our future, it's start now, if today is blur how will you even see how the future will look like.

Reading of books will help us in out life journey because you'll get to come across the answer to your questions through the book you read, that's why I love reading series of book, I prefer to use my time to read rather than watching a movie.

I don't mind how much the book will cost me , because what I will Gain from the book is worth more than the money, and the knowledge I gain form the book will help be to build myself in the long run.

Placing value on ourselves is very important, people might see it as being full of yourself, which is not right.
When we place value on ourselves, no one, I mean no body can force us against our wish.

I do what I feel is good for me to do, not what you feel is good for me and I end up with regret.
People say I'm very stubborn , which is not true, I'm just doing what seems right for me. And I always doing things expected of me to avoid insult.

When we place value on ourselves, it will be of great benefit for us in the future.

Keep it up!Nice Write-up , I was directed to your post by @dreemport , I will say that you're a wonderful writter.

I enjoyed reading this. It is so motivational and instructive. Well done

Nothing is entirely new. It might be new to us but, it isn't new to the universe. Someone might have encountered such, and proffered a

This solution most times is documented on the pages for us. So when we read, we gain insight into how people tackled their problem and as well learn how to tackle.

So when we read we can avert future problem.

I love the qualities you mentioned.

@dreemport directed me here.

Wow you're talking to me!!!! 😂
You said I should read till the end to know who you're talking to and it happened to be me 🙈

But wait a minute, I think I do read a lot. As a matter of fact, I read almost every hour. That's thanks to online blogging though but I've learnt and seen significant growth since I started.

Studying has always proven to expand one's knowledge no matter how little you study, just study.

About values, it's no news that so many forget who they are and tend to go according to what people tell them and this leads to their unhappiness. Sad, so sad.

I try to stand by my word since I realized it's importance and it has been a great move in my life.

Nice one dear, I enjoyed the reading 😃


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Challenges are a major part of our lives but who says we can't prepare ourselves to face whatever challenges life throws at us? You've done a great job enumerating how we can prepare ourselves better to beat the challenges that comes our way and one of the ways that struck me is having self value. I think it ought to have come first because it takes one who understands his or her self value to see the need to plan, study and prepare oneself to be more equipped. Excellent pots. @dreemport led me to your post. Keep the ink flowing!