This year, Pentecost fell on June 9th, 2019. According to Wikipedia, "the Christian holy day of Pentecost, which is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday,[2] commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31)." This celebrated day also shared some other significant events. Not only was it Pentecost, but it was the birthday of Lord RayEl, the returned Christ.

The Prime Cleric of the Ecumenical Order of Christ pointed out that the 9th of June, 2019 marks the end of the Messiah's Jubilee. In his post, he included the following video that had some "profound" information.
post which also had an important Bible Code discovery.As the Prime Cleric [@prime-cleric] stated in his
Festival of Weeks - Shavout, also known as Pentecost, which comes from the Greek Πεντηκοστή meaning 'fiftieth' and refers to the 'Feast of Weeks' which is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover, is also known as 'The First Day' or 'Day of The First Fruits'.
This year that day occurs on the eve of Saturday, 8th June and ends in the evening of Monday, 10th June 2019.
This date also concludes the Jubilee 'fiftieth' year of Lord RayEl.

This code proved to explain itself as Lord RayEl addressed the world on Pentecost. He gave a stern warning to humanity over a Live Stream in the International Congregation of Lord RayEl. Be sure to watch and listen closely.
"The end begins now"...
This article was written by @belovebelight

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This was certainly a stern warning and a powerful message.
good message
Truly an important message!
The world will be brought to its knees now
Very powerful warning
Very powerful warning
It has been coming... and a stern warning to the sleepy masses is certainly warranted. Looking forward to the very end myself.