Thanks for expressing what a lot of people are experiencing on YouTube. I produce really high quality, indie films and web series and getting a foothold is very difficult if you don't produce A LOT, and then to top it all off, now there's the risk of your content just not being advertiser friendly by standards that appear completely arbitrary. You're right, predictability appears to have gone off the deep end.
I'm really looking forward to SteemQ and hope that the other decentralized models like Alexandria and LBRY are able to create new, more sustainable models for independent creators.
I think the sky is the limit once word gets out for many of those new platforms.
I hope so! I want to keep making films and it'd be great to connect directly to an audience without a middleman or a third party squelching new ideas and dissenting views.
Yeah the aspect of taking out the middleman is simply FANTASTIC!
I actually just wrote a piece on a few of the decentralized models out there.
12.45 AM in Amsterdam and that doesn't look like something you quickly read :)... Will have an extensive look tomorrow though. Could be really valuable for me!
No worries! Have fun out there! Let's keep in touch. I'm very curious how Steem will play out when it comes to video, especially if SteemQ every gets released.