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RE: Youtube Bans Infowars (I Condemn This)

in #youtube6 years ago (edited)

I can edit your text above to make you say things you didn't say. When you have someone that speaks as much as he does it is easy to edit and make him say pretty much anything. So if all you can find is edits then you are the one with ridiculous criteria and are allowing yourself to be a puppet.

All I ask and anyone asks is you provide proof. You can't do it. You base things on your emotions and opinion.

Like I said he actually went to court for this and when the videos that the people filed the cases against him were shown in court he didn't say what they claim he said.

Edits are not allowed in court. If you can't get the basic concept of why people wouldn't want to see edits then you are being a fool. The good news is you don't have to continue to be that way. Which is the only reason I talk to you. ;)

Here is why I have that criteria.

He could say "They are saying I said Sandy Hook didn't happen". All they have to do is edit that it easily can become "Sandy Hook didn't happen" simply by chopping off the beginning. It won't sound edited at all as it will just have deleted important parts that completely redefine what he was talking about.

This is what we mean by no edits. I am not saying give me a mish mash of spliced together stuff. I'm saying wherever you can find he said it I'd like to see what he said completely.

I've caught the media editing the things a lot of people said by intentionally cutting off important things they said to totally change the context.

I am interested in seeing Alex Jones saying it. I haven't seen signs of it.

Also I ask again. If he said it, then why are the places repeating he said it not showing the proof every time they bring it up? That's what they tend to do most of the time. It is a very big red flag on the honesty of the story when it is repeated so many times without actually showing him saying it. Think about it.
I kept hearing a name recently "Wolfgang Halbig" though I haven't read or watched anything he has done. He is the guy that apparently is really pushing the Sandy Hook being a hoax thing.

Perhaps he was a guest at some point on Alex Jones in which case IF he ever said it that seems like a possible place to look.

Here is his facebook page I found searching duckduckgo. I don't use facebook.
And a Shame On You Facebook page countering him.
SANDY HOOK: Wolfgang Halbig Prevails in Lawsuit Filed by Alias “Leonard Pozner”
Fact-Checking More Of Wolfgang Halbig’s Absolute Nonsense

There is a ton more. Yet when it comes to Sandy Hook that is the name I keep reading or hearing people mention when inferring it is a hoax. Let's do a quick search and see if I can find a time he may have been on Alex Jones show as that may have what I'm asking you to find if it exists. I want to see for myself.

The question is how easy will it be to find if youtube and other places deleted all of the videos. That's the thing about censorship. Makes it really hard to find any kind of proof doesn't it?

Wolfgang Halbig: "I've lost total respect for Alex Jones" "Which side is infowars on?" - 2015

If he had Halbig on I have no doubts Halbig said what they claim Alex Jones said, but like I said I happened to be watching the show where Robert David Steele brought up children slaves on Mars out of nowhere at the end of an interview and Alex said he doesn't know anything about that. It seemed like a very odd thing to insert compared to what Steele had been saying up to that point. Sure enough the media comes out almost immediately claiming Alex Jones said their were Child Slaves on Mars. Nope, he didn't. His guest did. Alex didn't agree with it.

So if he had Halbig on his show I have zero doubts Halbig said this as it is all over the place. That doesn't mean Alex did.


Christ, you really are a cultist lmfao.

I've seen his show (now with clips deleted) and saw him say queer people should be burned, sandy hook was an inside job, and so forth. You're delusional and crazy if you think defending him is acceptable under any circumstances. I'm done communicating with people beneath me.
