Introducing my friend, YouTube star moto-vlogger @katkamcbr (see her here: !
Kat joined the #GoldmoneyTshirttour! Kat and her boyfriend Hunter Honda ( have a HUGE presence on youtube as moto-vloggers. This is completely original content with a massive following.
Who wants to see them join STEEMIT???
This could provide some great exposure for the platform and bring over some youtubers that aren't as familiar with Steemit.
Let me know if you want this to happen and I will provide feedback to Kat and Hunter! #katfam
Youtube Stars will be very welcome on Steem as it will help boost numbers and the Steem economy.
For youtube creators, please do not release your ENTIRE catalogue at once...
Thank you for your comment!
Hi Art, used chat with you all the time on goldmoney board. Sorry I wasn't able to get you tickets to that convention the one time. Glad your steemin' too. Take care
Great to hear from you! Whats your community name to refresh my memory? :)
Amalgam11. A UK guy here may be interest in goldmoney also.
Ah! Now I remember :) thanks for pointing that article out I will comment on it now
It would definitely help but they would also need to announce it on youtube at some point for it to have any major effect
There is no need to even mention that really, doesn't take long for youtubers to realize the differences between this platform and the others. :)
As video hosting is enabled at Steemit, they could do special videos just for Steemit and mention that to their Youtube audience.
Fantastic idea!!
I actually chose to write a bit more about the idea. Feel free to check it out @goldmatters :
Read you article and upvoted! :)
Good point! The rewards make it pretty obvi!
Excellent point. I will relay this if they ended up joining steemit
Thanks for sharing
Upvoted and followed
Need more info about Gold Money !!!
Thank you! What would you like to know about Goldmoney? :)
Want to open account
Give me your ref links
and some info
Thanks for reply
have a nice day
Goldmoney looks and feels like a bank account, imagine something like Paypal except instead of your balance being kept in you local currency (dollars for example), your balance is kept in gold grams. After opening an account you would link a funding source (like a checking account or credit card) and then purchase physical gold that is held in a vault or multiple vaults around the world. The vaults are third party audited and all gold is accounted for. Along with free storage (up to 1,000 grams for personal accounts) you also have the ability to spend, send, or redeem your gold physically. You can order a free MasterCard in which to spend your balance. Or you can directly send gold to anyone with a cell phone. In addition, you can set a recurring transfer automatically for any time frame and any amount if you want to save gold on a regular basis. There are many other benefits and features. Please let me know if you have questions :). PS forgot to mention that you can also used crypto to buy gold including STEEM which I wrote a blog about here :)
Understood, Now is more clear..
Thanks for info. If somthing not clear , I will come back to you
Thanks for your support
Hope to have your upvote to my posts also.. thanks for all
I will back to you by monday
Have a wonderful and Sunny weekend..
Sorry to take a lot of your Time
can I fund my acc with Gold money using Bitcoins !!!
Enjoy:) thank you for you interest in Goldmoney!
Here is referral link.... more details to follow....
Thank you
Will check and register aoon
Hope to have your support here
As Every comment, every up vote, every bit of support is really appreciated.
Have a great weekend
can I fund my acc with Gold money using Bitcoins !!!
Already a lot of big youtubers have joined Steemit and using it. Don't ask, just dive in!!!
Thanks for your comment! Ill pass it on
is gold money the thing that peter schiff is always mentioning? love your username btw
Yes, same company :)
I will have to check it out! thanks!
I got a Youtube channel where I'll be introducing Steemit to my audience in the near future (Approx. 50k Subs) The word is definitely spreading
Excellent! Thanks for commenting! Do you think these youtubers should join steemit?
Yeah, I made a post the other day about 3 Youtuber celebrities that I think should be on steemit
Thanks ill check it out!
I invited 2 profecional poker spelers this morning, here
Well done!!
Excellent! So you think its a good idea ?
OOh yes, What you'r doing is a good thing! I don't know well known people like you do though :-)
I pledge to invite more poker players through youtube and twitch. Many people read the invitation when you post in comment section.
I want to see Steemit get BIG.
Me too! Lets do this !
Great idea, Goldmoney Army General :)

All they need to do is:
Post a line with their Steemit handle on their YouTube bio and/or intro
Follow me/us on Steemit
may pick this upcomment on these lines.On Steemit embed each video with the YouTube description or any other comments that they may have. @cheetah . If @cheetah does, they can
Yes! I will relay this to them and hopefully influence them to be big Steemit ( and Goldmoney!) advocates!
I want to start moto-vlogging ! !
Right? These two are fun to watch! So do you want them on youtube?
Well done @goldmatters getting the good @goldmoney word out there! Getting @YouTube stars on board with both GoldMoney and @Steemit is top notch!
Thank you!! Thanks for weighing in GMH :)
this should be a trend on STEEM as it will create the hype and STEEM will be recognized as valuable platform . GO FOR IT
Thank you for weighing in! I agree!
that t-shirt looks familiar
Lol! Well you know how Zuck has a closet full of gray hoodies.....
The more exposure the better -- it cross exposes everything, both content and audience both ways to things neither audience has 100% seen before.
Thanks for the work , and the vote on my post today too.
Thank you! I appreciate the input. Will relay:)
Thank you so much!
I definitely want all of them on here!
Thank you! Ill pass the word!
I think if a person is told about the platform, is interested in the platform and cryptocurrency, they should be here. I have seen people in the past make a huge point to build up specific people about how "everyone wanted them here," formatted in a pretty similar post a few months ago.
Well, the people came to Steemit, and they posted for a couple of weeks and then started acting entitled to votes and money on the platform.
It seems like they have a lot to offer to the platform, but I also think that needing specific reassurance from a set number of people to pull them in is a model that could set someone up for disappointment when they realize they have to work for a living here, too.
We have some musicians with midlevel followings on YouTube who post here, and they're always well-voted at first, but I watch their votes go down if they are not also interacting with the it is a two way street, and I think sometimes people don't understand that this community actually values that connection even more than the content in some cases.
I am in no way trying to be negative or discouraging. I love this platform so so much, but I also am very real with people when they ask me about what to expect here. They could expect anything, the sky is the limit, but they would really need to interact within the community to have a huge following with larger payouts.
The biggest celebrities on Steemit, at least at this point, are the folks who are genuinely making it a point to embed themselves into the community and make real connections with as many people within it as a result (byproduct/added bonus), their wallets are growing in mass quantities.
I wish them all the luck!! If they like creating content and being a part of a community that is truly engaging, then this is the place for them! If they're looking for a quick buck, then maybe not!! :)
I don't know these people, lol, but just wanted to say that this is just some of the realness of what I've experienced with folks getting onto this platform. It does require time and genuine interaction to build your way up within the community. We need people who are dedicated and consistently creating great content...and not just embedding YT links into empty posts!! I would love to have high-quality content here...and engaged directly with this community! :)
A Steemit "Celebrity" I think is a perfect example of putting in work to engage a community and therefore has a following and incoming income to match would definitely be @papa-pepper. He is consistent and engaging and consistently engaging. We need more of that kind of celebrity here.
Yes very good points. Thank you for your input. I agree that to bring maximum value to the platform a content contributor must be committed and dedicated.
how will steem hit mass adoption?
One step at a time :) Would you like to see these youtubers on Steemit?
One step at a time :) yes i would . No more youtube ads haha
Thank you for commenting! Ill pass on the sentiment :)
Yeah great idea. The more people join the more Steemit community grows and along with that our Wallets also increase. Good job!!
Thank you for your comment!
So you want these two on steemit?
Thanks! What do you think? Do you want to see them on STEEMIT?
He probably didn't even read your post. He is just spamming these out to everyone.
:( I didnt know. How about you, would you like to see these youtubers on steemit?
Would love to. We've been getting a few more youtubers on here recently and it's been good. Greg Mannerino and Sgt Reports lately.
Yes! I saw those two, awesome exposure! Thanks for your opinion, I will pass to Kat and Hunter!