I love this movie. I watched the whole thing. I love your voice - and that you constantly say you don't know and question why people aren't questioning this stuff. Yes, I believe 911 is/was a high ritual of chaos sorcery (not the same as chaos magick) from the Brotherhood of Death to the rest of the secret societies, basically stating that their time has come - and they are taking over - it is/was a form of hegelian dialectic as well to create chaos and then to push the chaos in their favor - and as far as "suicide bombers" are concerned, I would say that all those people, including the false flaggers like Timothy McVay, John Holmes in Aurora, etc and maybe even Sirhan Sirhan- all those folks, and all the other people with 3 names who killed MLK, and Pres Kennedy and John Lennon - are MK Ultra Mind Controlled Slaves - called upon at that moment to perform their highest role and their last... Thank you @apolymask for this great work you have created... I am enjoying it immensely... your choice of music was the same as that of Millenium, Chris Carter...who also did the Lone Gunmen and you of course know this prediction... perhaps some of these references were synchromystic ... but many of them were not. Also I agree with something you said in the beginning - i think we should use occult knowledge against them. ie: cast spells or do sigils against them - And we can without blowback IF we are not punitive toward them ie: do sigil magick that they develop empathy... remember THEY get their order followers to do their dirty work so they get no blowback from their evil work, or at least it is lessened on this physical plane...
Thanks for checking it out and for the great feedback and response. :) Made me smile to read some of what you said and encouraged me.
What's the difference between sorcery and magick if you don't mind me asking? Also I kinda lean in the direction of it being a sacrificial kind of ritual magic perhaps dating back to the Septimontium. Ever see that movie I think it was called.. Cabin in the woods? Kinda like that..
I've never heard the word synchromystic before, that's cool. I'm going to use that in a poem or something.
In regards to casting spells on them, I'm not sure we can ever reach some of them.. Some have no empathy, but we should try to reach all we can reasonably reach in my opinion. If we can give a lot of their followers empathy, that will help greatly!
What's the difference between sorcery and magick if you don't mind me asking?
Chaos Magick is a form of magick that does not use a system - i.e. the Rosy Cross produces a Sigil that is uniform, follows Hebrew letters and phonetics - or the many magick squares to produce a sigil vs. Chaos Magick where I just do it myself as a design just using the alphabet and my own methods.
Sorcery is with ill intent - thus Chaos Sorcery would be a manipulation of externals such that chaos ensues and then the wielders would be then using it as a means to their own ends.
Also I kinda lean in the direction of it being a sacrificial kind of ritual magic perhaps dating back to the Septimontium. Ever see that movie I think it was called.. Cabin in the woods? Kinda like that..
I am not familiar with these "Cabin In the Woods or the Septimontium" - I will have to look into it
I've never heard the word synchromystic before, that's cool. I'm going to use that in a poem or something.
Someone shared that with me - I like it more than synchronistic or it's different - in that it is more pointed toward the thing
In regards to casting spells on them, I'm not sure we can ever reach some of them.. Some have no empathy, but we should try to reach all we can reasonably reach in my opinion. If we can give a lot of their followers empathy, that will help greatly!
Well I have done sigils using the names of the people in the Trilateral Commission, etc which have caused me bad blowback becuase I was saying I wanted them brought to justice... but they will be brought to justice by Natural Law in due time, so then I had to read up on it, and saw other people doing spells on them which stated that they develop empathy - for them - psychopaths to develop empathy would be a terrible thing - because they could not continue doing the things they do if htey had empathy - but for me to say I want them to develop empathy - the blow back on me might just mean more empathy for me - which is fine.