We Repainted the House Flip That we Had Just Painted

in #youtube6 years ago

Yes, this sounds confusing because it is. We painted a flip, but the color was god awful. We had it on the market for a while and then decided to repaint it again.

We remodeled this house flip about 2 months ago. The contractor we used did not do an amazing job. We had it on the market with 54 showings and no offers. The biggest complaint was the paint and I agree that is was not a great color. We decided to pull the house off the market and paint it again, as well as make some other minor repairs.

You can see the video I did before the second time we painted it here:

I think the house looks so much better now with lighter paint. We also repainted the cabinets because the last paint job was horrible. They look so much better now, although I am not sure you can see it in the video.

Here is the video of the house when we first bought it.

Here are all of our flip projects from the last 2 years (over 60 projects). https://investfourmore.com/flips


Ugh, yeah that's never fun when something has to be re-done. Been there. As you said though, you sell just fine now.