A Cheaper GoPro?

in #youtube7 years ago

Apeman A80 4k Action Camera - https://amzn.to/2JzYEvD

Almost a year ago I was in the market for an action camera. Of course right away I searched for GoPro on Amazon. As the results came up I was shocked at how expensive GoPros are. So I started my search for a cheaper action camera. After a month of searching and about half a dozen action cameras later I found this one, The Apeman A80. This camera is the one that helped me start me YouTube channel. Its very easy to use and has a lot of similarities of GoPros. It gets confused as one all the time. Here is my channel is you want to see what the footage looks like: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoFGi1l1mk0hZ82GsP2u9yg why not subscribe while you are there ;)

If you are looking to get a cheap action cam at almost half the price as a GoPro definitely look into the Apeman action camera. Mine came with a good amount of accessories to get me started. There are a ton of cheap accessories you can find on Amazon as well. The Apeman fits pretty much all of them. I use a chest mount while riding my mountain bike. The chest mount did not come with the cam and I had to get an accessory pack after I purchased the Apeman.

Let me know what you think of the Apeman A80. Is this something you might be interested in? Do you already have an action cam? If so, I am curious, which action cam do you already have? Let me know in the comments below and I hope everyone has a great day! Get up, Go outside and Have FUN!!

Apeman A80 4k Action Camera - https://amzn.to/2JzYEvD