Script of Video
Hello, I'm Dr. McMann, and as per usual as of late.
First a topic or question, then the meat, and this time it's just a topic I personally want to touch on. I used to think the deaf community was a bit stuck up it's own ass, especially with responses I've seen about stuff like "questions deaf people are tired of getting" and my first thought being completely mainstreamed was "There's better ways to respond that being a cynical bitch about it", but honestly what kind of stuff I've gotten thrown at me as of late after having come out as a deaf content creator, I'm starting to see why the deaf community is the way they are from personal experience alone. I see people talking shit about me like "He claims to be deaf but he's wearing headphones in his avatar, lawl fake" like yeah, I wear headphones, do you also tell blind people they can't be blind because they wear shades or are you intelligent enough to realize that some blind people can see silhouettes, some can detect if it's light or dark and others can use computers with screen magnifiers to see just well enough to read text on screen without needing a screen reader? I'm starting to become a bit of a cynic myself, I didn't want to become like that and it's becoming harder and harder to not be the cynic bitch that I originally saw in the deaf community at large.
I've been seeing talk about me like "He's not deaf, he can talk" and "He's not deaf, he wears headphones" and I wish I were kidding on this one "If he's deaf then why's he wearing glasses?" like god damn dude my lack of hearing ability doesn't impact whether or not I can see or need glasses. The ears ability to hear aren't connected to my eyes ability to see. Like seriously how are people this god damn stupid?
Bleh, now that that's out of the way involving my rant on why I'm getting more cynical than I intended to become, let's get to the juicy meat.
I've had this script sitting on my desktop for a little bit now, on account that every so often I wind up bed ridden for several days due to physical disabilities that cause excessive amounts of pain, like enough pain where if someone where to give me a knife in that condition, I'd literally try to cut the pain out. However, it's recently also come to light that is coming out with some extreme draconian rule sets and enforcement the likes that only the Overwatch community has thus far seen. I'm talking about even having and voicing a negative opinion about another streamer or reporting about some horrible crap another streamer has done can get you perm banned from the streaming platform, this is even retroactive. In other words, if you're streaming on Twitch, you'll get banned even if you voice your opinion, concern or commentary on a particular streamer and some issue or controversy surrounding them regardless of the platform. If you have so much as a light argument with another streamer on Twitter or make a YouTube video about them or make a Facebook post, whatever, Twitch will ban you for merely talking negatively about another streamer even if it's not said on their platform directly. Hence the Overwatch reference where they will ban you for being negative or even voicing opinions that aren't politically correct, and yes, even on Twitter outside of the game.
So at this point, Twitch has made it a point to make their platform WORSE than YouTube, which is astonishing on account that they're trying to attract people from YouTube yet at the same time seem to be more than eager to also scare the same folks away from Twitch. This is why I support alt media like Minds, Steemit, D.Tube, and the like.
I read a rather interesting comment on one of Raging Golden Eagle's videos by RocketSurgeon that I wanted to share with you all in regards to YouTube's latest changes that screw over a ton of small YouTubers, myself included. I obtained RocketSurgeon's permission to use his comment in full, however he's also informed me that I don't need to even credit him, that I should think of his comments as public domain and that he quote "Oh, I don't need creidt; I just like to blow off steam once in a while ranting about stuff, sometimes things.. just consider it all to be public domain." Unquote. Well you're getting credit anyway RockSurgeon because that's how I roll! Here's what RocketSurgeon has to say.
I doubt this has really anything to do with advertisers.. this is more about YouTube censoring wrongthinkers, trying to slowly edge out the undesirables by removing their financial incentives. It's old-school dog training; if you're a good boy and toe the party line (that's the Neo-Comunist/SJW party) you get an ad-treat - if you piss on the floor, you're getting the demonetization rolled up newspaper.
They took away the ads to push people into self-censorship, many creators failed to comply, they just told the ads to go fuck themselves, and switched to streaming/superchat viewer supported mode.. now YouTube brewed this new poison up to get rid of the superchat loophole. While some might kowtow, many will just switch to Patreon, MakerSupport.. which is probably next on the list of things to get your channel deleted.
This has been YouTube's game from the beginning, not advertisers. The first round of the adpocalypse wasn't advertisers leaving, it was YouTube telling advertisers they ought not want to advertise on certain channels.. which would be removed from the available pool for the advertisers own safety as "not advertiser friendly". It's the same how Google censors porn images from searches whether you want it or not.. for your own safety.
Logically, with the number of companies in the world, and the different leanings of people.. there are plenty of advertisers who don't care, or would actually prefer to advertise on "controversial" videos. If you're selling edgy shit, you want your ads on edgy videos that edgy people watch, not makeup tutorials. And if YouTube actually cared about making money, or "protecting" people.. they'd fire a couple of thousand of their censors, and hire marketers in their place.
There are potentially hundreds of millions, if not billions, of advertising dollars on the table that YouTube just refuses to pick up. If they wanted to, and they have he tech for it, it's only a matter of wanting to employ it, they could become Channel Pimps.. Advertising Matchamakers.. they could match the content with a company, and offer them exclusive ad deals on channels whose viewership demographics match the company's target audience.
People who like to watch "controversial" videos, would see ads from companies they might actually be interested in buying shit from, and certainly won't feel animosity towards them for advertising on a video they actually like.. the advertiser would only get backlash from hate-watchers, who are people who weren't going to buy their shit anyways. EVERY channel could be monetized, and YouTube would get a little slice of the massive pie.. but they're more interested in the "general" advertisers.. big brands, who want maximum exposure on safe, boring, meaningless tripe videos to avoid offending anyone.
And it's stupid. Online ads have the lowest ROI of any kind of advertising, fucking Jehova's Witnesses knocking on doors have a higher "sales"-rate than general online ads. Niche ads are FAR more effective, if you're marketing a heavy metal album, you advertise on heavy music magazines.. because that's your niche, that's where you customers are. If you're selling mattresses, you advertise on local radio/newspaper, because your target audience is the people in that town. Niche works.
This general ad shit doesn't offer much to the advertisers as is, but with censoring the entire site to the lowest common virtue signal is only going to make the entire platform less popular.. which means the advertisers will get less exposure in the long run, making it even less worth their while. This is corporate Suicide-by-SJW.?
▶️ DTube
That was rather unexpected. Appreciate that you enjoy my content. :) Thanks. I'm also kinda blown away by the fact that this video scored $0.003 cents =\ Should probably put a little more focus on D.Tube.