Last night, I uploaded a video to YouTube titled "Something Strange is Happening to YouTube Celebrities", addressing the recent Logan Paul scandal. Logan Paul, a famous YouTuber, posted a video from his trip to Japan, wherein he and his friends traveled into the infamous suicide forest and discovered a dead body hanging from a tree, then proceeded to giggle, film, edit, and upload their experience, essentially turning suicide into clickbait that was then featured on the "trending" section of YouTube.
I suggested that YouTube was taking advantage of Logan Paul's actions as a means to roll out further censorship on their platform. It's the typical problem, reaction, solution pattern we've seen with the YouTube AdPocalypse, Elsagate, and now Logan Paul's suicide forest video.
My video was marked as age-restricted within hours, though it featured no graphic imagery or foul language. Of course, the act of age-restricting a video serves as a means to limit traffic to the video.
While I'm certainly glad that Steemit has their own video service where I can mirror the video, I do find it frustrating, yet not altogether surprising, that my YouTube channel and many others like it, are under 24-hour surveillance of the internet thought police.
How the mighty have fallen. Thanks Grace! As always, your research and insight is the best!
Thank you :)
I know you have income there, but the sooner you can just LEAVE youtube the better. I am still posting there too, I LOVE what dtube is doing but there are still so many issues I can't rely on it. But my eye is on the exit, the moment dtube (or a competitor) is truly fully functional for me youtube will be a part of my past!
I would just love to be able to reach the people who originally subscribed to my channel. YouTube won't let me do this. Instead, they constantly unsubscribe people, or subscribers get no notifications that I've uploaded. And now, this age-restriction trick. Of course, I'm not the only channel affected by this, but I do look forward to the day where there's a solid alternative.
I feel like $teemit/D-Tube are headed in the right direction. Let's keep spreading the word about it & offering the support they'll need to grow & improve. I see this as being one solid alternitive. Do you feel like the issues with D-Tube are getting better or no?
For this you need to tell people about those alternatives. Computing Forever and HoneyBadgerRadio have been shilling alternatives like Minds, GAB, Vidme forever. And as much as beginning or ending your video with a shill sucks it's necessary as audience need to know.
This video was age restricted on Youtube? How convenient considering more than half of Logan Paul's audience is under the age of sixteen :)
I think progress IS being made and people ARE starting to look for the facebook/youtube/twitter alternatives. I believe content generators like yourself just need to make sure when they do search the alternatives that you're already there.
Which platforms will 'win' can't be known yet so just mirroring your content on the most popular ones (Steemit, Minds etc.) is likely all you need to do for now.
Our enimies know that attacking our moral integrity will have us placing their chains around our own necks. Do what's right, it's how we remain free. It seems so obvious to me now that my eyes have been opened.
They'll have their lunch eaten by some other company soon. It is not equitable to censor in this manner while the most viewed videos are pedophilic and "somehow" "gaming their system". Basically, the government is their favorite client because they pay more.
Too bad the government is a shitty content creator though.
It seems like they prefer people who watch their videos to be braindead. Guess it's good for business... An algorithm that keeps you clickbaited for endless hours, while taking away any kind of income from thought-provoking people's videos. Just because some moderators think it's political inaccurate. Youtube is going down the drain...
You are up to something here. Only the braindead can still be influenced by advertising. And what business model does Youtube use?
Advertising works on everyone (some are just more susceptible). And even with an adblock you still get sponsored ads. I know of only one business model when it comes to profit companies, the one that provides the most gains without any consent for quality...
It's amazing how many YouTube channels I watch have been censored in the last few months. Thank you for your well researched and informative videos @reallygraceful.
Censorship is already alive and well on steemit as well. It is good to have people like you putting out quality post with a reputation high enough to not get destroyed by low level downvoters. Cheers!
I'm happy tha youtube censor videos like yours anny many others. Reason? Well, it will force us to make decentralized platform which will be not owned by manipulators. Dtube is one of those platforms, but it's early beginnings so it will become better and better. Funnily enough the more censorship they intoduce, more we gonna be free eventually...
Is Trump helping them fall?
It is absolutely insane that you're being censored.... while talking about their censorship. Yet, not all that surprising since YouTube seems to like punishing individuals who don't follow the Left "Lines". Keep up your great reporting, and I know you won't but don't let those dimwits at YouTube get to ya! When you're being censored like that, know you're doing GOOD.
super creepy and I watched that video on youtube.