The Interesting Trends You Find At 3 A.M. On Youtube
Sometimes insomnia will take you down roads of travel that you just can't get back in life, but hey life is an adventure right?
Last night I had exactly one of those very moments where work and sleep collided and to unwind I decided to catch up on what Youtube had to offer. My usual of course is start with some crypto news, catch up on the latest gaming videos and I also tend to seek some of the unusual on YT in way of UFO stuff or whatever pops up.
I came across this odd video last night, apparently a new trend on Youtube that I wasn't aware of is this thing called Dark Web Mystery Box Unboxing. The video I found was of a guy and lady who recently shipped out some Bitcoins to an unknown seller on the Tor browser who was selling unknown items within a non disclosed anonymous identity. When they produced this video it took part when the box arrived and they shared with viewers the content within this box.
Ah human curiosity, even I caught myself intrigued but in my own head I wondered in real time, is this really a road we want to encourage or visit?
As the video progressed they found the following items. A child's backpack which was very worn. Inside a couple books, one that was a pop up book to teach numbers but the numbers where cut out on most pages but on two of them was pasted photos of children with the numbers in tact to either represent age or something. Also within was a cell phone with a single app left on, virtually wiped with no valid info really to obtain. Also were these odd old hand made dolls, which had what appeared to be human hair and teeth secretly hidden in the clothing. Finally they found a usb drive, which at that stage freaked the lady out so the guy speaking told his viewers if he got 1000 views he would upload a secondary follow up video sharing what he found.
Let's face it, gimmicky has hell but is there something we should talk about here openly about this growing trend? I think so...
I decided to continue on with the second video, it appears these videos are vastly popular on Youtube lately and he got the views he of course asked for.
Warning the video was disturbing, even in words it still may disturb.
On this second video the man takes his camera down to his PC and sets things up for the reveal. With some intelligence he decides to turn off his internet completely via unplugging his Ethernet cable, I highly recommend this action if you ever receive strange USB thumb drive and curiosity has you firmly in its grasp. We find now the man locates a single MP4 video file on this drive. Within this video are black and white feeds of what appears to be a spot somewhere in an undisclosed rural wooded area, then a quick cut to a baby in a crib, and then a surgery it appears and worst yet another cut to a bowl on a floor what appears to be within a basement and bunch of huge slugs around this. Finally it lands at the end with maggots on what appears to be on a carcass.
Lets just say that video did have me question things a little, what mind would come up with this stuff? The host of this video also noticed a flash in the video, just a quick glitch between frames so he slowed it down. Low and behold it was a picture of an old Asian lady holding a baby in her hands with her mouth open as if the baby was an apple. This seriously disturbed me, even though it looked more like a drawing it was just the mix of visuals there that made me go, what in the hell are these people doing on Youtube with this genre of unboxing?

Are Views Really Worth Opening Such a Pandora's Box?
Lets just face it, this video I caught was trying to lead us on a mental mind of belief that the video creator just received a child murder's evidence box. One of the worst types in this world is anyone that would harm a child but equally, is it not just as horrible to even remotely encourage such actions via monetary payments?
I am not a backer in any way for censorship , this is something I am so strongly against within any community. I feel we all have a more personal responsibility to ensure things are done with taste but what is my taste and another is of course left to each individual past myself.
I do though have a problem with this new Dark Web Mystery Unboxing genre popping up. While I am very sure the video I seen was probably not real, whether the content creator packed the box himself I am unsure but it could also be as simple as someone created these items for shock value to make some cryptocurrency and no one ever really was harmed but the implications of questions do make it questionable if this is really a morally valid way to create revenue whether its the content creator or some anonymous psycho resting on the Dark Web.
I have a fear right now that someone could end up hurt here, or we could encourage real child killers an avenue to seek profits for their disturbing life choices. Children should be protected and we know very well some serious real harm is being done on the Dark Web that needs to be corrected so I worry that these videos whether fake or real may very well encourage growth on something we want to minimize and stamp out.
These videos are quite popular after research today. Its the old adage of looking at the accident even though it turns your stomach and I get it, its very human to be curious. I just don't know if these Youtubers are aware of the Pandora's box situation they are opening here, they don't seem to realize that there is a valid danger they could be bringing into their own homes by just blindly ordering such potentially hazardous materials.
My final worry too is for cryptocurrency. Everyone has the right to spend their crypto in any form they see fit, that is the beauty of this space, its really empowering that human right which is important. As an investor though, I rather see more positive uses become the norm vs us utilizing this to feed the power of individuals out there that are harming this space and the world. If your aim in life is to harm another human being or even just trying to bank on the shock and awe of claiming to harm someone, I just don't feel you deserve my income. So hopefully this is just a fade and will pass but I am not sure as many videos I seen when researching this one.
Anyways, I am not gonna promote the videos I seen on this, nothing personally against them but I rather not feed this genre too much, but if you are curious its all over Youtube lately and a simple search of Dark Web Unboxing can get you there. I just think this should be a community conversation lightly, do we want Bitcoin to continue to represent a tie to pay evil for views or how about pay for the upgrade to humanity that it can do? I vote for more use case than what the Dark Web has to offer personally.
Very awesome and organized post. I am charmed at your stories. Keep it up.
I truly thank you for that and for taking the time to read this. I try to write about all kinds of random things so keep an eye out