The Amazing Nihilist VS Kermit the Frog

in #youtube7 years ago

I think I need to dial back the seriousness of the following argument The Amazing Atheist has with Jordan Peterson, because it’s blatantly obvious there is not even a possibility of honest dialogue anywhere to be found here, and let's get right into point one.

Why TJ Kirk would decide to hold up this 5 minute video as the pristine doctrine of his favorite latest spiritual opponent, the character that is the direct antithesis to everything he believes, is far beyond my little tiny brain. Obviously TJ must know so much about Jordan that he doesn’t need to address any type of long form debate or video of Jordans, that wouldn’t give Dr. Peterson time to expand his ideas to a point where they can’t be endlessly pecked away at before he’s finished a sentence, no, instead we get to watch TJ Kirk literally chant the words “nihilist post-modernist” like he’s a fucking baboon, as if only a retard wouldn’t be a nihilist edge-lord just like TJ Kirk.

Instead of arguing in good faith, we get The Amazing “ready to mock anything I don’t like” man, here to save the day from anybody that doesn’t think like him. Let’s move on to the first real argument presented to us.

Jordan asserts that in universities today, it’s possible to get an English degree without ever encountering Shakespeare, because of the SJW gender-study mentality that’s taken over a vast majority of western universities. TJ’s argument is that he’s pretty sure most English students encountered Shakespeare. Wow, he really blew Jordan the fuck out on that one, man TJ was so right to counter Jordan’s point at all English degrees don’t require Shakespeare, oh, wait. That’s not what Jordan said. Hmm… I wonder if this fucking trend is going to continue.

Oh, what’s that? Jordan Peterson tries to explain how SJWs have completely changed and manipulated the terms diversity, equity, and inclusion to mean something completely different that doesn’t fit in with reality? Are you telling me TJ Kirk actually accused Jordan of changing the definition of those words, just by trying to expose the fact that gender studies already tried to change them? CITATION NEEDED, SHITLORD. Obviously Jordan Peterson hates the concept of equity because he countered the SJWs definition of the word, idiot.

That would mean TJ Kirk is arguing in bad faith, purposely misrepresenting Jordan and making himself look smart in the process. That’s never fucking happened before, no way. I never thought I’d see the day TJ actually takes the side of SJWs just so he can stand in opposition to Jordan Peterson. It’s almost like the Amazing Atheist is tripping over himself trying to disagree with Jordan before he’s even stopped to think what Peterson’s actually talking about.

But don’t you get it, shitlord? Jordan doesn’t like nihilists, and that hurts TJ’s fee-fees. Why would Jordan be so mean and try to disparage the moral arbiters of righteousness?!

TJ says that freedom of speech has been attacked by both political sides. Hold on, let me mark this down as the first rational point… wait… Jordan never said the right is the defenders of free speech. How did… oooh, since Jordan’s pointed out that SJWs attack free speech, he must simultaneously be right wing, AND think that only the right protects free speech. Sorry about that TJ, the mental gymnastics your quick and intelligent mind darts through is a real struggle for someone like me to keep up with. I’m glad I’m all caught up though, keep going.

Yeah, you’re right TJ, how many times HAVE we heard that Capitalism has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty? I mean, that’s not true at all, nor is it impressive as an economic theory. There’s plenty of other economic systems that have accomplished more, and I’m sure you’ll start listing them right about… oh, instead you’re just gonna say esoterically “Yeah, but, we won’t have it in 200 years I bet!” I mean, I’m sorry TJ but that’s not an argument. The child slaves in Africa appears to be an argument, but that’s really just the point that Africa’s a shithole and not really representative of the rest of the modern world. You can’t put that at the feet of capitalism. Capitalism isn’t the practice of outsourcing your jobs to shitty countries, that’s globalism. I’ll gladly stand in the way any globalist capitalist pigs you find in your travels, Jordan isn’t one of them. Moving on.

Venezuela failed, so what? Really? That’s your argument? Listen TJ, there are child slaves in Africa. So what? Unless someone’s advocating for the same system here that led to African child slaves, who cares what happens in Africa? Who cares about the policies that lead to child slaves being prolific? All that evidence and shit, get that garbage outta here. You are exactly right TJ, every country on the face of the planet has some form of capitalism, and some fail and some win, and it’s completely arbitrary and there’s nothing out there in the whole wide world that affects that. There’s no meaning to anything, nothing matters, come watch TV.

I know this is a really fucked up and strange concept to you TJ, but you can praise capitalism without believing that it’s the solution to every problem. And praising it doesn’t mean you absolutely believe it must be purely implemented with no other system ever being allowed to exist.

I don’t understand your hatred for Peterson’s use of the term ‘post-modernist’. It’s his old man way of saying social justice warrior. Move on. Let it go. It’s really not worth either of our times for you to fascinate yourself with this non-issue.

It’s pretty amazing that you think an entire generation of university professors feeding unscientific bullshit to every single person that needs a degree for their job is a non-issue. It’s not worth your time, it won’t affect anything like society or the way people think or anything like that. We definitely won’t see this mentality start to spread into corporations, or government, or academia, or anything like that. Nope, nope, the SJWs will just own the universities with zero push-back from anyone else in society, and nothing bad will ever happen. Meanwhile, let’s focus on making the government better! Yeah! That’s worked out great for us before, solely focusing on one issue in society and ignoring all the others because it doesn’t trigger my fee-fees the same way.

The best part about this whole fucking debate, though? TJ manages to shit on Peterson for being in a bubble because he’s a university professor, but then doesn’t lend any credence to Jordan’s assertions that SJWs are taking over universities. That’s some delicious double-think. I think I’ll believe the guy that’s made a career on youtube over the guy that’s been teaching at a university for 20 years, over the prevalence of ‘lefty professors’, as if TJ doesn’t know that they’re social justice warriors. Using that word would be too much cognitive dissonance for him I think. Nah, fuck that. Instead let’s argue that SJWs have the right to freedom of speech to teach people we shouldn’t have freedom of speech, while suppressing any other opinion. Which I guess is legally correct, but it also makes you a hypocrite.

Let’s look at this “bait and switch” argument TJ’s giving us here. So Karl Marx says “I care about the poor, look at how bad capitalism is, here’s a better system; communism.” And Jordan says, “Communism killed hundreds of millions of people, and they were mostly poor people.” And TJ says, “AH-HA! BAIT AND SWITCH! KARL MARX WAS RIGHT ABOUT CAPITALISM!”

So if Karl Marx was wrong about communism, and cared about the poor but killed hundreds of millions of poor people with a system that was inferior to capitalism, what makes you think he was right about capitalism again? Where did that happen? What part of Karl Marx’s theory where he lays out capitalism as a system of victims and oppressors is correct? Do you think every person who succeeds in capitalism is an oppressor? Do you think every person who has to work a crappy job is a victim? I’m really confused here.

Singling out Cambodia is not an argument. Tell me why the Soviet Union fell, or why China slowly moved away from communism after murdering hundreds of millions. It’s because Karl Marx’s ideas were founded upon a shit foundation of victim and oppressor that doesn’t make anybodies lives better, not like capitalism does. Do go on though.

I’m sure you love to hear that you’re ‘misrepresenting’ Peterson, it’s not like a great mental giant like TJ Kirk has ever done that. Obviously not. There’s zero evidence of that, nope, not never. Never happened. It’s not like TJ Kirk’s ENTIRE biography of ‘arguing’ with Jordan Peterson is founded upon the idea of ignoring all of Jordan’s actual arguments and misrepresenting Jordan and then ignoring all of the legitimate criticism coming his way. It’s not like I was so frustrated with the lack of intellectual honesty at display in this never-ending obsession The Amazing Nihilist has with anyone who makes a salient point against your fully encompassing worldview, that I waste my fucking time writing responses that you don’t even have the fucking time to read, let alone respond to.

It’s not like this is the second time you’ve flippantly denied that you misrepresent him and just insist that your first thought that came into your head was objectively true with no possibility of being wrong. I’ve got to say though, the layer of cherries and frosting on this shitcake you’ve constructed is you off-handedly shitting on the people calling you out on your blatant and obvious bias against Peterson because you think he’s a fundamentalist right-wing Christian in disguise. He’s never once talked about his personal political ‘side’ and he’s never once tried to assert moral supremacy through his religion or convert anyone to Christianity. If anything he lends credence to the ideas of being skeptical and nihilistic, it’s a natural path in any rational person’s thinking.

The only difference between you and him is that he takes that line of thinking further and shows people how to avoid allowing nihilism to take over everything in your life. Because that’s generally a very destructive behavior. Maybe it works out for a couple people, maybe it works out for you, maybe it works out for me. But it doesn’t work for the vast majority of humanity.