More April Snow And Deep Freeze On The Nearly Off Grid Homestead

in #youtube7 years ago

We have been snowed in for a week on the homestead at this late time in the year. With over a foot of snow falling on us during this April spring season and deep freezing temperatures, it looks like the snow is here to stay for a while.

And we were not able to get out for a full 7 days before we finally got the car dug out. No sooner did I get a good jump on digging out of the snow and it snowed again. It snowed from Monday through to Saturday.

I finally got the car mostly dug out of the drive way and then some time in the night late Friday the neighbor's snow plow buried us in again about a foot deep and about 8 feet into the yard. It was wet and heavy snow and then it froze.

Saturday with more snow falling there was no way we were getting out.

Sunday morning I was finally able to break through by using the car to plow a path through the frozen snow. It had melted down some due to the sun alone although the temperatures were below freezing. After a few time forward and backward I was able to shovel the snow out of the way.

Melanie got a nice package from a viewer containing some jewelry charms and a nice pair of boots that just screams "fishing".

I am just finishing up another altcoin mining rig. I am mining cryptocurrency to pay the bills these days since YouTube cut my pay too low to pay the bills anymore.

I used to make a good amount of money on YouTube but not anymore. They cut our pay deeper and deeper until it was not enough to make it.

So I moved all my videos over to DIY Tube Video Community. They pay everyone to participate. From video views, to comments to thumbs up and more. You can find them here:

And you can watch today's video here:

While you are over there, please subscribe to my DIY Tube channel.

If you are interested in cryptocurrency, you can follow my steemit electronics channel for more:


Please ignore the comments below

My main YouTube channel has over 100,000 subscribers

When you get that large you are going to have trolls

They swarm all over the place like cockroaches

Sadly they are even harder to get rid of

These guys are not playing games. They are a danger

Do NOT engage the trolls for your own safety

Please ignore the filth and lies they spread

Thank you

Reid's main YT channel has 108,000 plus subscribers because he or a proxy BUYS subs from a third party at a rate of 70 subscribers every day!

He doesn't want you to know that or the real reasons he has trolls.
He can't afford to have his lies exposed.

But he does enjoy exploiting drama, as you can probably tell by this rediculous warning he types on every rediculous post.

And here they come. Like cockroaches crawling out in the darkness.

Troy calling someone a cockroach is the ultimate in irony. Mr doomster diver who turns everyplace he lives into a dump.

Please allow me to correct.....Reid is a DUMPSTER DIVER.

This is when Reid does his shopping, especially for Chep pallets.
At night like the cockroach HE is.

I remember the Chep Pallet Drama well, Trog makes up his own rules.

He's supposed to be a good honest Christian person that obeys all the commandments but he's above all that and thinks it okay for him to be a thieving twat.

One rule for one but different Rules for Reid, the night phantom cockroach,blue pallet thief.

why are you hiding the truth troy? are you afraid of the real story being told? just so you know every time you grey out the truth i will be reposting it multiple times...

I have known troy since January 2012 and we were good friends until fall 2013 over a year and a half+. troy reid got severely mad when he was booted from a radio talk show hosted by back in summer 2013. He demanded I leave with him in protest. I said no because the owner of that site was a long time good family friend for nearly five years at that point and about 9yrs now I think.
So roughly 2 weeks later The radio show was contacted by a tv producer wanting to speak to me about making a tv show. It was called America Unplugged and later aired on the Sportsman Channel on national tv. I was episode 4. troy reid again was furious and DEMANDED I give up the show and tell the Sportsman channel to do it on troy reid. I refused obviously.
troy reid decided then that he was going to try and convince everyone I was attacking him and going to his home destroying his stuff in an attempt to get me kicked off the show. His goons even made videos claiming I was a pedo and more. Of course none of it worked and I had one of the highest rated shows on the series.
troy reid learned he could profit nicely off the drama and so for 5yrs now he has kept it up. troy reid has continuosly made false claims about me going to his home in Pine Bush NY several times per week to destroy his stuff. Of course it is all lies. troy reid has made a multitude of lies about me destroying his truck, tractor, tents, killing his chickens, knocking over his fences, and many other things.
One thing troy reid has never ever not even once shown, is a single shred of evidence of his claims about me or anyone else. troy reid says that he has said proof but has never shown it. troy reid has dozens of video and picture surveillance cameras up so he claims. Yet he cannot provide a single picture or video of me EVER on his property.
troy reid has used these lies of his to incite dozens of his hardcore followers to attack me on false pretense. I have actually had to get the police involved and have had a few of troy reid's goons arrested or given police order to back off or go to jail. It is all public record for all to see.
troy reid cannot produce a single piece of evidence to proof anything he claims about trolls attacking him at home or in real life anywhere.
The only thing troy reid can prove is that there are literally 1000's of people fed up with troy reid's lies, libel, slander, fraud, and theft among other things. And yes he can prove there are people here that are openly standing up to troy reid and his crap.
Anyone that has a difference of opinion from troy reid, makes claim that troy reid did something wrong, claims troy reid does not understand something, or just plain disagrees with troy reid is automatically in most cases deemed a TROLL by troy reid and all of their comments are deemed an attack against troy reid.
For once troy reid can you tell everyone the TRUTH why so many people are after you???

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Thank You! ⚜

The "truth" from a psychopath is no truth at all.

The world can see for themselves that YOU are the aggressor.

YOU attack and harass me and my family around the world.

YOU have vowed to destroy our lives until the day you die.

YOU are the liar.

YOU are the one harassing me on my own blog, video sites and more.

YOU are thumbing down all my work.

I have NEVER attacked you back.

I will always take the high road in hopes that people can see and judge for themselves.

There's nothing wrong with Trogger, I'm his Skank so I should know, here's the proof!


I flagged this post ........... stop being an annoying copycat ass

Here is a screenshot from this video from @thediyworld that shows his DISCONNECTED solar panels.
PROOF that his claim to be Off Grid, is a LIE.


Notice the paths in the snow.
Reid claimed he "shoveled All Day"

Notice the chicken "igloo" to the right side of the photo.
This is how the 48 year old Reid keeps his baby chicks.

It is always disturbing to watch the proof in Reid's videos.
Then he tells different versions of his stories.....after the fact.
Especially here on the Steemit Blockchain.

More about Troy Reid in Pictures.

Please ignore about what he says about us trolls as he calls us, we are good people just trying to protect the innocent bystander from his scams.

Just listen to us and give us a chance.

8f0a99e_595.jpg21aba35_595.jpg71d31e6.png755ca8a_595.jpgAffection.jpgavatar_545_1498938026.pngclean_drive_way.jpgcookies-2.jpgddce063687.jpgDQma2UM8ugGL3D5NAGpZNmEiUJdttak6jaj5r3PgHyrYZXJ.gifFB_IMG_1509627518891.jpgfree_tires_from_terrill.pnghorror.jpgimage.jpgjack.jpglTnjNpcSz4w.jpgnicktoons-ren-stimpy-large-marge.jpgpicture-uh=3b1247e010105cca7b87db6ead1c675-ps=5afc684ce5b3533f5ff9885f4aeb5aa5.jpgpicture-uh=32f037fdcc6cd3218bcc6c8d23a09030-ps=fbb5f933edc842de9dcee091a34c5895.jpgpoo-in-pot.jpgpoorjoy.jpgScreenshot_2016-09-09-12-05-20.pngScreenshot_2016-09-18-14-02-11.pngScreenshot_2016-09-27-08-56-56.pngScreenshot_2016-09-27-13-55-41.pngScreenshot_2017-02-24-12-46-59.pngsix-months-3.jpgsnapper.jpgsnowangel.jpgspringwater.jpgSteem.jpgSteem.jpgStudio_20161011_161942.pngStudio_20170212_184025.jpgThe_wedding (1).pngtroy_nation_beg.jpgtroy_nation_cup.jpgtroy_nation_mini_bike.jpgtrempire.jpgtroy_nation_pope.jpgtroy_nation_project.jpgtroy_nation_sandra_clowdus.jpgtroy_nation_whine.jpgtroy_nation_work (1).jpgtroy_reid_techman2015_01.jpgTroy_Who_This.jpgttrain.jpgwarm-sunny-day-2.jpgwarm-sunny-day-3.jpgwarm-sunny-day-5.jpgwarm-sunny-day-6.jpgxfqg4o.jpgbla.gifae24fae29a.gif95f0c22ced.gift_DIYW_20170310_Cyber_Threats_Take_1.gif148oEQpjfs4qn6.gif

More about Troy Reid in Pictures.

Please ignore about what he says about us trolls as he calls us, we are good people just trying to protect the innocent bystander from his scams.

Just listen to us and give us a chance.

8f0a99e_595.jpg21aba35_595.jpg71d31e6.png755ca8a_595.jpgAffection.jpgavatar_545_1498938026.pngclean_drive_way.jpgcookies-2.jpgddce063687.jpgDQma2UM8ugGL3D5NAGpZNmEiUJdttak6jaj5r3PgHyrYZXJ.gifFB_IMG_1509627518891.jpgfree_tires_from_terrill.pnghorror.jpgimage.jpgjack.jpglTnjNpcSz4w.jpgnicktoons-ren-stimpy-large-marge.jpgpicture-uh=3b1247e010105cca7b87db6ead1c675-ps=5afc684ce5b3533f5ff9885f4aeb5aa5.jpgpicture-uh=32f037fdcc6cd3218bcc6c8d23a09030-ps=fbb5f933edc842de9dcee091a34c5895.jpgpoo-in-pot.jpgpoorjoy.jpgScreenshot_2016-09-09-12-05-20.pngScreenshot_2016-09-18-14-02-11.pngScreenshot_2016-09-27-08-56-56.pngScreenshot_2016-09-27-13-55-41.pngScreenshot_2017-02-24-12-46-59.pngsix-months-3.jpgsnapper.jpgsnowangel.jpgspringwater.jpgSteem.jpgSteem.jpgStudio_20161011_161942.pngStudio_20170212_184025.jpgThe_wedding (1).pngtroy_nation_beg.jpgtroy_nation_cup.jpgtroy_nation_mini_bike.jpgtrempire.jpgtroy_nation_pope.jpgtroy_nation_project.jpgtroy_nation_sandra_clowdus.jpgtroy_nation_whine.jpgtroy_nation_work (1).jpgtroy_reid_techman2015_01.jpgTroy_Who_This.jpgttrain.jpgwarm-sunny-day-2.jpgwarm-sunny-day-3.jpgwarm-sunny-day-5.jpgwarm-sunny-day-6.jpgxfqg4o.jpgbla.gifae24fae29a.gif95f0c22ced.gift_DIYW_20170310_Cyber_Threats_Take_1.gif148oEQpjfs4qn6.gif

I found these AWESOME sites you might enjoy. They belong to a true off grid family who go on these exciting cross country adventures.
Here are the links...
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A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
If you see them, send them this information as text (screenshots frighten them):

Troy, I'm getting a lot of hate mail about Melanie's latest meal she's uploaded.

People are thinking its me that taught her to make that shit.

It sure sounds like your neighbor is trying to tell you something.

Lookit dat! Turd is greaying out comments already...

@joythedog said:

It sure sounds like your neighbor is trying to tell you something.

thats ok i greyed out turds too... he will spend all his power ungreying them and wont have any left to grey out others...

Neighbor <> Snow plow man. Nope, guess not. Guess again.

•[-]joythedog (31) · 4 hours ago
It sure sounds like your neighbor is trying to tell you something.

try paying the neighbor for your share of the plowing you cheap fucker.

My neighbor always comes over with a snowblower and cleans my sidewalk and driveway. I always offer him gas money but he never accepts. Wow Mr. Reid, what did you do to your neighbor for him to treat you this way?

Well now, please do tell me how you know of any details between my neighbor and I???

Oh, you have no idea. Then shut up!!!

You say you grew up in Michigan, but a bit of April snow is so surprising to you. This is just one of the many reasons why you are so universally disliked.

And the thing that always amazes me is that you are so limited in your experience/mind/thinking that you actually believe that an entire US State can have the same climate all over. Northern Michigan is NOT like Southern Michigan and is NOT like the UP. Very different climates.

Yeah, I am aware that the weather in different areas can be different, yet you are the one who whines incessantly about a bit of cold...... or heat in summer as if you didn’t realize that different areas can vary in their respective weather patterns. Quit being such a fool.

Funny how you claim you were "stranded" for the week Reid. @thediyworld.

You failed to remove the snow from Tank2 from the last snow storm.

That tells me you had No Intent to leave the dumpstead.

We all know how lazy you are.
If you don't need to do something, you won't.
Except whine and complain.

Why is it you don't brag how great the silver car, aka Tank2, can go through anything,
just like the black car, aka Tank1 used too??

They are the same car, just a different color.
Will it cut into your donations if you can't exploit two inches of snow in April?

why wont you let our side of the story be told troy?

"Melanie got a nice package from a viewer containing some jewelry charms and a nice pair of boots that just screams fishing."

This is how Reid @thediyworld gets people to send him stuff.
By playing poverty and being without.

Spoiler Alert: Like all other gifts, these items will not be seen again.

Many items have been found for sale on Craig's List and at his rummage/garage sale last Labor Day weekend.

Oh the words of a troll. Well - its on the internet and a troll said it so you know what that means - it must be true huh

Troy Reid @thediyworld is such a whiner.
He gets some snow and wants people to believe he is stranded.
Such a victim.
He couldn't have needed to go anywhere, because he failed to remove the snow from his car from the last snow storm.

Then he films the ground so you can not get a real perspective of the amount of snow there.

He goes on to say he was "shoveling all day" when he shows more snow coming down.
All that appeared to be done is a couple of short walking paths....that took all day??

It's always drama with this guy.

I think he's dug the car out ready for Bunshafting Wednesday, things would really have to be bad to miss that.

Wonder if the little boys go along, after all he won't be able to take em into the woods this time of year.

Dirty old bastard.

My neighbor always comes over with a snowblower and cleans my sidewalk and driveway. I always offer him gas money but he never accepts. Wow Mr. Reid, what did you do to your neighbor for him to treat you this way?

trolls. trolls. trolls. Always stalking. Harassing. Wasting their lives.

I found these AWESOME sites you might enjoy. They belong to a true off grid family who go on these exciting cross country adventures.
Here are the links...
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shoveling paths in the snow because he can't take off his cult slippers! And STILL too damn lazy to trim that tree because he couldn't figure out it would shade his panel. That guy is retarded.


Who is this and what is your relationship with him?

He's a 'spokesman' for your 'enterprise.' Yet he never introduces himself. Neither does he state who he works for.

Your potential 'investors' wish to know.

IN the previous video, Reid @thediyworld told us that he is "too busy working a full time job" so he handed over the duties of recording his "daily videos" to his mail order wife,
(bought and brought to the US by viewers).

As of this video, it appears Reid has lied to his 1500 daily viewers...... again.

Reid @thediyworld shows his weather station.

It was 66F inside, brrr.....
Negative 8-9F outside.

66F is too cold for an infant child living in a poorly insulated cottage in the winter of Michigan state.

I also noticed you couldn't hear the crypto alt coin mining computer rigs running in the background too.

Does Reid really live there??

But oh - please do tell me the new rumor going around. Where am I supposed to be living now?

Is it a mansion like two years ago? Or a luxury RV hidden in the woods like a year ago? What kind of fantastic home do I live in now in your fantasy world? Please do tell.

I don't recall anything about a "mansion" except hearing what YOU call your chicken coop.....

and as far as "last year" nothing about you having a "luxury RV".
We all know you're too cheap.

However YOU showed the inside of your trailer in Lewiston this time last year,
and a very observant member of DotSucks found the listing on Zillow!

So STOP making shit up Troy.
You're the one living in a fantasy world.

Grow up.

You live in a sandbox in the bottom of a huge chest freezer. Can't imagine anyone wanting to live there. My weather was over 90F today while you freeze in a sandbox and can't grow shit. You choose to live in an icebox so enjoy it. Wouldn't wish it on anyone but you. Bwahahahahaha!!!

Many people like it a bit cooler at night. Michelle sleeps upstairs where it is much warmer than downstairs. Guess you did not know that heat rises huh?

Well now you know. See, a troll CAN learn something new huh

Notice how Reid talks to people in his replies.

This is how he talks to his family members too.
Just watch the baby shower video Reid recorded.

Then he wonders why out of 108,000 bought subscribers....
only about 1500 people view each video now.

Many YouTube celebrities no longer associate with Reid too.
ManofManyThingz dropped him as a friend, along with many others.

The only thing I learn from YOU Reid is....
how NOT to do something, or be.

quit being such a knowitall smartass you cocksucker. you may actually keep a friend let alone a viewer someday.

Trog when did you learn that, the first time you farted!

Bet you do plenty of that eating Ming Mings cooking!

Wow Mr. Reid, my neighbor always comes over with a snowblower and cleans my sidewalk and driveway. I offer him gas money but he doesn't accept. What did you do to your neighbor for him to treat you this way?