Transitioning From Full-Time YouTuber to Full-Time…STEEMIAN???

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

After being on Steemit for just over a week, I must say, I’m very impressed! Despite having 30,000 active users (of 170,000 total users), this growing community has done a fantastic job of building personal relationships despite its large size. Throughout the last 9 days I’ve already learned so much not just about the Steemit platform, but also about life: people’s travel adventures, cryptocurrency, the future of social media, etc. In fact, I've been so blown away by the warm of the community & its strong sense of support that I find myself spending more time on Steemit nowadays and figuring how to provide more value here than on YouTube, which once was my normal day-to-day grind/passion.

One of my closest friends Rene @world5list (who also runs another large YouTube channel) just posted a very insightful tirade on our journey through YouTube together and why it's quickly going down the drain.

Now needless to say, I’ve been a full-time YouTuber for over two years now and it would be very ungrateful of me not to say that despite the difficulties I (and many other YouTubers) have faced, I've been fortunate enough to make a living off of it!


After surpassing the 100,000 subscriber mark on two separate occasions across two completely different channels (They Will Kill You and Bored Badger), I also partnered up with Rene on World 5 List and together we've had the opportunity to coach other aspiring YouTubers (Pablito’s Way and Origins Explained) to help them pass the 100,000 subscriber milestone as well. And don’t worry, we're in the process of getting the latter two over here to Steemit soon too ;)


Although there's still a lot of money to be made on YouTube, it's definitely a tougher game nowadays. In fact, it's gotten so difficult that we've discouraged our close friends—who've wanted to get into YouTube for the longest time—from actually diving in; instead getting them set up on Steemit. One of YouTube's major drawbacks (which occurred in the wake of the ad boycott on March 25th, 2017) is that content creators are now struggling to receive as many monetized playbacks as before due to stricter guidelines, thus making it more difficult for producers such as myself to release videos that are in line with YouTube’s new ad policies.


Not only must we work around it, but we are now having to change up the general direction of our channels; a direction that veers away from the channel’s “true essence”. One can argue that you should keep doing what you’re doing and that money shouldn’t matter if you’re truly passionate about what you do (in my case, providing information about lethal entities in this world). But once you make this your primary source of income and livelihood, it’s a completely different ballgame. Another classic example of this is in a post from @alexpmorris on how he essentially got screwed.

Enter Steemit: Steemit has been a fabulous place to share unrestricted, no-holds-barred content without facing the same demonetization risks involved with YouTube. As far as the money goes, we've found that it's been well worth the time investment. Not only will our main “grind” now consist of making contributions to this platform, but we're also in the works of bringing on some other international YouTubers to the game in an attempt to expand Steemit's reach far across the globe and in as many different languages as possible!

As I said, one aspect I highly value is the community’s warmth and support in seeing others succeed. There’s just as much content variety here as there is on most other social media platforms, but with more of a personal touch IMO topped off with an extra sense of belonging. Additionally, I see it as the future Reddit in the sense that it’s a good place to learn new things, get a look into other people’s lifestyles, and even stay updated with news/current events. Not only is one no longer censored, but the ability to monetize not just as an author but also as a curator??? GENIUS! Although I'm still new to this and haven't made as much as the experienced whales, it's good to know that a place like this exists where one can make a living doing what they love and at the same time receiving support during a time of dire need. This place has opened countless doors to so many people, and it's time we share it with the world!

And for that I say, thank you Steemit community! Rene's and my effort's will now be focused full-STEEM on delivering!

There are 4 pages

You made this great post
I was touched to read it
And your struggle for this is extraordinary.
Now you fight in developing steemit
It was incredible
Once again amazing.
I'm new here
Reading your post can make me more excited in steemit

May you and all steemit users develop steemit

You are extraordinary
And steemit also makes us extraordinary

Incredible are the words I can say again besides the word

Incredible my friend

Thank you for your kind words! Just sent you an upvote on your latest post!

I think there are space for everyone on this market. And Youtube wont be going anywhere anytime soon either. Most likely will adapt and transform if social media keep on this direction and if cryptocurrency start having more and more influence 😉

Let's lead the revolution in YouTube's transformation!

Great post! VERY motivational. I am a total social media junkie and my brother has been nagging me to get onto #steemit forever because he obviously knew how much i would enjoy it... which i am 👌😎 and i recently started a youtube channel for my 7yr old son... and now you really have me thinking... which route to go.

Thanks for all the insight. Its a great guiding tool for us newbie steemers 😁🤣🤗

Welcome & I'm glad you're enjoying it, it's awesome here :) The community is so amazing! My advice? Stick with Steemit; you'll be wasting a lot of time on YouTube & coming across even more frustrations!!!

Would it be possible to integrate a sub-section for him on my steemit account or would i need to create an entirely separate account for him to share his videos? Or... do i continie to upload them to youtube but share them here?

Your thoughts?

Since he's so young I'd start out by sharing them here on your account rather than creating an entirely separate account. Also, Steemit doesn't have a feature to upload videos onto the site (yet!) so you'd have to continue uploading them to YouTube then sharing the link on your posts here. Hope this helps :)

I hear you. Thank you SO MUCH for the feedback and assistance. Time is money, and i really do appreciate it 🤗😊

Haha welcome to the club my adsense earnings are a joke i joined here today and I've made more money thsn i made a whole month on youtube! Steemit will come to beat some of the platforms soon, very soon

Can't wait

Wow I just joined today can you give me any advice

Be yourself. Engage with the community as often as your time allows. If you have passions, make your blog around/ about them. If you don't, make the time to explore what passions you might have and use Steemit to help develop them.

Put all those together and you'll grow a big following very quickly, especially with Steemit growing as fast as it is at the moment.

Yes steemit is one of the only places online where u cannot only be yourself but u can get paud to be yourself

actually youtube pays quite well too, but here you have less competition

That's right. Steemit pays you to be human. What a wonderful concept!

i like it alot

I'm confused on how to post stuff can you help me on making this work I have time if you don't care helping I

What do you need help with, specifically?

If you want to post something, all you have to do is click on Submit a Story link right next to your profile photo in the upper right corner of your screen.

If you need any more details, let me know.

What a fantastic advice!

U just made $1.11 off just a single comment! pretty fuckin cool right? Imagienfi ur reddit or facebook coents could have mad u money!
make more comments like this in powwerful steemit posts with lost of upvvtes and money! get notcied by adding a post with relatedc content! like if a post is about somethng, type whatever ts about into google iamge and find a related image ti post or a fun fact on wikipedia abot whatevr the popylar post is about!

and go berfreind whales go non steemit trending to see who is gettinbg paid thousands per post and go check tgeir profiles an comment an upvte their post anreally engage with peopel! u cansee how much popel ave by clickng the wallet button iin ttheir profiles!

but seriously if u have questions on how to start and get to where i am where i make over sixty bucks a day just being mysellf but working hard, and maing igh quality posts, then jut text em or email [email protected] 619 302 0398 i have taught alot of newbs so far even tho i only joind 3 months ago in march but ive learneed alot! And i always tak new advice frmpeople whove been here since last year!

tahst who u wan follow and watch and comment with! help oit a whale who has been here since sometime last year! they usualy have hundreds of thousans or millions of dollars in steem! u will to by next year! we are ALL still early adopters!

anyway let em know if u have any problems on teemit ill hep u expand

thanks for this comment it is very helpful advice. my wife and I would like to make a secondary income here so that she can stay at home and raise our kids on our little farm, your advice will help us.


the more useful/entertaining energy you give, the more you will receive in return.

Nail head, meet hammer :)

This sums it all up in one sentence. Bravo

Let's all kill it!

yes i am cleaning my weapons

Please please can you guys follow me @mysticlilly

I cannot wait to become part of the Steemit community! :)

@wick Oh that's really nice to hear :) Spread the words, share love, share food, share this beautiful EARTH! :)

Yes, we have to kill it. Bahaha!!! No choise, just Steemit.

Good to hear ! I m new to this and started today. Guide me to earn and grow. @craazy-coin

Mine too. I make $10 per month on YouTube and Amazon combined! Pathetic.

Are you in LBRY yet ?
I thougt this is gonna be the new youtube maybe :)

Hey @theywillkillyou! Good to see that more content creators are joining Steemit. You're one my favourite channels, and I hope more of my favourites come as well. I would really like to see the content worked so hard for get you fairly compensated.

I have heard a lot of YouTubers complain about these issues, but I still don't fully understand what YouTube is doing terribly. Can you explain, in the simplest way you can, what it is?

Thanks and all the best to you :D

It was because of WSJ and Pewdiepie thing. Actually, some of the dickhead writers at WSJ took some things completely out of the context from Pewdipie's video (It was video about some Hitler joke) and portrayed him as anti-Semitic. Then those writer went on to making a WSJ post about how YouTube is showing ads against the racist videos. They also called out individual brands on tweeter that their ads appear against the racist videos. So huge brands started to pull out millions of dollar worth advertising from youtube. To put things back on track YouTube had to make the changes in guidelines and they are more strict now.

All this was done by WSJ because people are loosing trust in MSM and more people are trusting the news from the individual creators on YouTube. So they directly attacked YouTube. YouTube trying to save it's own brand so they are more strict with content and ad policies now.

I am brand new to steam today...@theywillkillyou there are many bugs and Steem support said hey there are many bugs and offered no solutions at all???

  1. a basic unformatted article post hangs and will not post

  2. I link photos from my wordpress photo URL into the steem article draft box and that works and shows up, but then the article with a photo says there was a problem loading the photos

  3. I cannot vote for anyone's articles

  4. I resteam some good articles, including the above and 1 showed up in my feed and the other under my Blog???

  5. The video link box will not even open in my article draft box

Tech support merely emailed me back to say they are in BETA and Oh well????

as a brand new user with 45,000 people in my social media, I cannot even online in Steem after spending 6 hours researching all this and getting set up......what do I do?

Michael Pinson @michaelpinson

@michaelpinson. I suggest you go to steemit chat (google it), post your issue ina nice way and there are lots of people on there who are just hanging out waiting to help people with your issues. I am sure someone will pick this up and do their best to fix it. best of luck!

Maybe I will repeat nepd, but WhaleShares is also for people like you! If you are interested we will be really glad if you at least come to say here, See you soon on discord -

Thanks I've heard of WhaleShares but don't know too much about it. But I'm definitely planning on checking out the links both you & @nepd recommended so I'll definitely be seeing you guys on Discord later today :)

Cool! I will probably be there to help you out! :)

Welcome @theywillkillyou! We'd love to chat with you at the Whaleshares discord... we've got some exciting ideas. Stop by for a minute when you get a chance.

Sure thing! Will hop on there shortly...see ya soon :)

Glad you are doing so well on here and thanks for bringing others to the platform also. It's great to have you on Steemit!

I can't help but smile when I read posts like this. The migration begins. : )

Hi thanks for your post, Steemit is the future of social media. I will check out your work.

Thanks, welcome to the future ;)

I have seen your channel in youtube and it does well. I heard youtube started cutting off the revenue from ads, though you wont need them here :) happy steeming as I see you are doing well from this post ^^
Cheers and all the best.

Thanks, best of luck to you as well! It surprises me when people say they've heard of my channel but it's very humbling :) Cheers

If we can get STEEM in the news, we can get it over $5 each.

Everyone should use this Media email list (3000+ contacts)

And send them this:

And this:

Thanks for keeping me informed with these links!

hmm let me guess could it be because of the money? lol

I couldn't agree with you more regarding youtube. That is why so many people are moving over to Steemit. I just started switching over to using this platfrom, I have some learning to do that is for sure. Do you have any advice for a new blogger?

Im intrigued to hear your future posts. You have a new follower!

Hmmmm I'm no guru at this & am still really new, but from what I've read it seems like you can never be too engaging with other Steemit users. I'm trying my best to keep up with everyone's comments and wish there were more hours in a day so I can read through people's blogs! Thank you so much for your support :)

I agree with you can spend hours, if not days on steemit lol.

Its awesome that you discovered this community, you and few people like you can help to grow of a steemit a lot, its enough to share on youtube about your experience here .
Steemit does not need advertizement, people love it, and share because they want to, very cool!! :)

Rapid growth it's amazing and so many promising developments.

Are you keeping yourself informed? ou have some good sources of information to find out about developments?

That's right. I share it because people should know Steemit exists. What the do with it is their business but if they run with it I'll help them get started because it's fun.

Thats all one can do :) How do you mean that you will help them? Im also looking for any possible support :)

This community has been amazing & I feel so fortunate to be a part of it! Let's STEEM on :)

Steem on, power up n goooooo heh

Well the good thing about the transition is you can bring all of your good content in the community. Good luck to your success.

Thanks, best of luck to you as well! If there's any specific type of content you'd like to see, feel free to let us know at any time...

thanks Angelo for the shoutout, ALSO resteemed and shared! 😎

My pleasure :) Thanks for all your help!

Once again Angelo, thanks for making me aware of this platform. It's been awesome so far and I'm sure we will have a lot of fun on here, a lot more than we ever did on YouTube!

My pleasure :) I fully agree 100%!!!!

Welcome aboard @world5list. Steemit is a great place share content and a fun, very active community.

Thank you, couldn't agree more :)

This post received a 44% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kennyskitchen! For more information, click here!

Welcome to Steemit, I'm so glad you're having a great time so far. Keep up the great work bringing more YouTubers on-board :-)

I just gifted you a @randowhale vote as part of an idea I'm calling #payitforward. As you can see from this image, my 2 $BD payment to @randowhale just turned into an increase of around $60 on your expected payout (meaning 30 $BD & some number of SteemPower). If you were to spend just 4 of that extra SBD to #payitforward on two other posts, you would still be ahead, and you could give them the same kind of boost, or maybe even more :-)


Thanks for being part of Steemit, and maybe share some whale-vote love with other folks you enjoy reading, friends who join the site, or great posts you see. Check out @randowhale's introduction (linked in the comment above) and my announcement of #payitforward to learn more.

Steem on!

PS: Thanks @randowhale

Thank you, that's very kind of you! I'll definitely be sure to share the wealth :) Will send some @randowhale love to your next post and also #payitforward to two minnows who could use some help (will keep you posted on exactly who they are!)

You're very welcome!

That's absolutely wonderful :-) Thanks for keeping the generosity flowing!

Do you have any plans on transitioning your Youtube audience over to Steemit? If you brought only a small percentage of your subscribers over, you would easily be the top followed author on Steemit.

Astonishing phenomenon is Steemit, isn't it ?
This is to be the Social Media 2.0 indeed. Every user is hyperactive and contributing to this awesome community. I am already in love with this platform. Cheer up you all

Yeah it's a great model they've established; the very best I've seen in a VERY long time!

very nice! thank you for coming to steemit!

Thank you for having me! Really glad to be here

i made my day on steemit rather than youtube.

Awesome! I'm really glad to hear that :)

Hey great read!! Amazing how fast Youtubers are leaving! Well, I just joined this month. I'm an investor and I bought steem a while back but heard so many good things about STEEM POWER that I decided to POWER UP! Ow I do not write or blog before but I love to read and learn. So , now I can do something I love and have a life at earn STEEM! IT's GREAT!! Well good luck to you!!

Yeah this place is amazing! STEEM on :)

Congratulations @theywillkillyou!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 183 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 6 with $ 1465,57

Awesome! Thanks for notifying me :)

you have reach everyones dream around here, hope you reach the stars and beyond !!

I hope the same for you too my friend :)

Steemit is future. Everyone makes money on steemit instead of one company or person

Yeah, it's genius!

You know these are the types of post I like to see. Motivational and inspirational about someone chasing their dreams. I hope your success continues to grow. Best of luck man!

Thanks, I wish you (and everyone else here) the best as well! This community has been amazing :)

I am featured in as being a musician on Steemit. The article talks about Steemit being the Facebook killer, I am featured on page 2! If you agree that Steemit is the Facebook killer upvote the post! Help spread the word of Steemit by spreading this article and post around!

Glad you are doing so well on here and thanks for bringing others to the platform also. It's great to have you on Steemit!

Thank you so much, it's great to be here!

Well said! I am surprised no one wants to up-vote your comment.... They are all going crazy about ICOs...

Steemit should hold a very high value for you as you continue to move forward. From what I have been hearing from other youtubers is they are really cracking down on what content is posted there but also that revenues from there have declined greatly are you seeing this happen on your accounts as well?

Thank you, I appreciate that! Yes, revenue has declined very significantly due to their new ad policies and they're getting very strict on the type of content being released. It makes their platform seem very "restricting," as they've taken away people's creative freedom.

Yeah making a living off YouTube must be hard. I got some friends running AdSense on YouTube and on their sites in one year they hardly reached cashout threshold. :( I hear SteemIt rocks, though. I hope it is true, I'm new around here :) Been learning about Bitcoin too.

I just wrote a story here on Steemit about something I witnessed back in 2011, the Fight At The Long Beach Pier

Awesome post! You have my upvote of confidence :)

what a fantastic post, and welcome. i'm certain you will do very well over here! :)

Thank you so much for your faith in me! Best of luck to you :)

Welcome to steemit! I actually was told about your youtube videos by my cousin and now Its cool to see that your on steemit. I can't wait to see the content you produce!

Wow, that's really flattering! Thank you so much to you & your means the world to me :) I hope you see worlds of success here on Steemit!

Thank you so much! :)

Follow me so we could stay connected

Hey welcome brother. Great to have you!

Goodluck bro! Hope you do well :D

Thanks! Likewise :)

Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.

Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.

You're making the right decision bro! The people that join Steemit now are guaranteed to be rich

It's great that we're all getting in the game so early :) Really happy for everyone here!

That is awesome!

That is super-exciting to hear! It's so encouraging to know that experienced content creators like yourselves see value in Steemit. Looking forward to keeping up with your journey.

Steemit is very much undervalued & we're all blessed to be aware/active on it at such an early stage! Thanks for your kind words :)

Great to see you found your way to this wonderful platform. But couldn't you just use both youtube and Steemit?

Yes, that's the plan!

Great, can't wait to see how this will work out. Good luck man!

This is nice. Thanks for sharing!

And thank you for your kind words :)

Indeed this is the best social media platform so far... followed and upvote you dear.hope you too. :)

Hey great to see you guys come onboard. Looking forward to your work. Reading this post I think we are in for some interesting stuff. Upvoted and followed. Let the good times roll.

Thanks, appreciate your support! We'll do our best not to disappoint :)

Thank you for sharing and bringing your full-STEEM ahead to the Steemit platform

Thanks for your support!

wow really awesome :) it is an honor to have you here on steemit ;)

It's an honor for us to be here...truly a blessing!

Awesome, good for you, looking forward to your upcoming content!

I really appreciate it :)

It is awesome that you beat the Youtube crowd here. I think is only a matter of time before others follow your very wise lead!

I hope you have huge success on this platform!

I hope everyone sees huge success! This is the future & we've all got our foot in the door :)

Wow, great to have you here,

I think "peoplewise" here are actual less but "moneywise" you will get more - on the long run! And people will follow this!

Thank you, very happy to be here!

There are 4 pages