I Turned Off Adblocker On Youtube. Why?

in #youtube5 years ago

Just found recently a bunch of good-to-watch-and-even-listen-to youtube bloggers and personalities that attracted my sympathy and whose content I've come to enjoy watching. During these trying times (came across this phrase in somebody's text message) under quarantine many people are trying to reach out and be of help to others either by word or deed.

These above-mentioned bloggers create entertaining and/or educational or whatever way appealing content and so deserve their fair share of income for doing that. Using adblocker while watching their videos feels like being dishonest and behaving like a steeling freeloader which sucks. That's at least how I feel about it. I want to make a point here, I don't belong to the "we hate the ads no matter what and for whatever reason etc." cult and get along with some occasional minor interruptions here and there, no problem with that.

Cryptographically Yours, etc.