
My bad, I type over 100 words per minute so that's not very much to me, but I often forget that it can be a bit much, or even too much for others.
And ah, okay. Thanks for the clarification and the response.

It's hard to imagine YouTube going away sometimes just because of how prominent and dominant it is, however.. Who knows.. Monopolies rarely stay monopolies for too long. It'll be curious to see one way or the other!

Don't get me wrong, if everyone took as much time to respond to other people's post then that would be awesome for this platform as a whole!

It would just be good for people in general I think to do their best to interact with as many people as is reasonable.
It shows you aren't just trying to take and that you want to give as well. But I mean.. When you're interacting with so many people as I'm sure you know, it can be tough to give everyone the attention they deserve. But it's good to try! :)