2 . ..... it shaking. Violently.
The yunk started glowing red hot, and the brighter it got, the more violently it shook. "A FIRE" Elliot gasped, as he beat the flame down with the old sweatshirt in the passenger seat. Instantly, he got out of the car, sweatshirt in hand. Wrapping the already charred sweatshirt around his hands, he carefully yet quickly took it out and put it on the road.
The second it touched the ground it stopped shaking, it stopped glowing. Then without notice, the yunk started rolling! FAST! It was maneuvering around the nearby shrubbery and obstacles in its way picking up speed as it went. Elliot jumped back in his car, slammed his foot to the floor, and turned off the road to follow it. He couldn't lose the yunk after all this time. "where the hell is it going this time?" Elliot thought to himself. ...