Calling the world, anywhere in the world, one of the most modern technology
Because of a technological world rely on technology because of improved technology had been declining
Calling the world, anywhere in the world, one of the most modern technology
Because of a technological world rely on technology because of improved technology had been declining
မဆိုးဘူး အေတာ္ဟုတ္ေနတယ္
Jino cara jih berarti tip postingan beu na fto minimal 3 boh,leuh nyan beuna ureung yg vote postingan nyan mnimal 5 dro,baro ji tem vote le karma..
Nyo ln ilme baro supot nyo ji bi thee le ngen,,baro selesai lon coba trnyata brhsil..dr poh 6 buno ln pgot posting bk ban 6 boh akun,oh nohat ka jivote 5 boh akun...nyan cara jih.
Jino cara jih berarti tip postingan beu na fto minimal 3 boh,leuh nyan beuna ureung yg vote postingan nyan mnimal 5 dro,baro ji tem vote le karma..
Nyo ln ilme baro supot nyo ji bi thee le ngen,,baro selesai lon coba trnyata brhsil..dr poh 6 buno ln pgot posting bk ban 6 boh akun,oh nohat ka jivote 5 boh akun...nyan cara jih.