Meant to say "Flaming Hot Cheetos". Somehow the words that came out were "Flaming Hot Cheerios".. All I could think was THAT is one breakfast cereal I would NOT want to try.
Meant to say "Flaming Hot Cheetos". Somehow the words that came out were "Flaming Hot Cheerios".. All I could think was THAT is one breakfast cereal I would NOT want to try.
Would definetly kick the day off with a spark... who knows might be a cleansing experience. Just saying...
Lol Flaming Hot Cheeto detox. I think I've heard it all now. 🤣
May be more my issue than yours, but yup that was exactly where my mind went. ;^O
This gave me a terrible idea. I will pay 1 SBD to whoever posts a video of them eating FH Cheetos in milk. 🥣 Hey, it's better than Tide Pods!
That’s brutal!! I do love me some flaming hot Cheetos with lime, but eaten as cereal. 🤔🤔🤔 the milk might tone down the heat a bit. 😂😂😂
Funny story, speaking of brutal.
I once attempted eating the Four Horseman Burger at Chunky's in San Antonio. Was featured on Man vs Food.
That burger brought me to my knees and I'm the type of guy that eats fresh habaneros. That is NOTHING compared to this. Milk took the edge off it but not much. 0/10 Would not try again.
I can do spicy stuff to a point, but when I can’t taste the food anymore, I call it quits!!
I loved watching Man vs Food. That guy is a legend in my book.
Pls vote me
Do you have flaming hot Cheetos, a bowl, milk and a video camera?