Back to give Zappl another try! It seems like such a good idea when you do not want to write a long post but still want to share.
Now to figure out how to do tags.

Back to give Zappl another try! It seems like such a good idea when you do not want to write a long post but still want to share.
Now to figure out how to do tags.
Share in a post when you find out how to work with it, will be interesting to know thanks @boboxer
Visiting from @kryptonia
I will. All I know to do now is edit in Steemit - which defeats the purpose. Zappl could really go places if more people sign on and some bugs are worked out.
Joe@uvas23 from Kryptonia, spreading some love.
Nice that your cabin in the background
No, just a random camper. I need something bigger for this wild cat of mine - he needs space to run and jump.
You set zaps in the posts with #tagname
Thank you!