jalan lintas nasional Medan-Banda Aceh di depannya. Di tempat itu, Ita, begitu dia memanggil dirinya menunggu pembeli buah manggis. Ya, Ita tak sendiri.
Sepanjang kiri-kanan lintas nasional itu berjejer puluhan pedagang buah manggis saban hari. Tanpa kenal musim. Buah manggis itu diikat rapi memanjang ke bawah.
Semakin panjang deretan buah manggis itu maka semakin mahal pula harganya. Harga termurah, Ita mematok Rp 15.000 per ikat. “Satu ikat 15 buah manggis, artinya seribu rupiah satu buah manggis,” katanya sambil tersenyum.
the Medan-Banda Aceh national highway in front of him. In that place, Ita, as soon as he called himself waiting for the buyers of the mangosteen fruit. Yes, Ita is not alone.
Along the left-right cross national it lined up dozens of mangosteen fruit traders every day. Without the season. The mangosteen fruit is tied neatly downward.
The longer the row of the mangosteen fruit is the more expensive the price. The cheapest price, Ita set Rp 15,000 per bundle. "One bunch of 15 mangosteen fruit, meaning one thousand rupiah a mangosteen," he said with a smile.