I was really surprised to see such a stupid comparison. Any Thoughts on this?
https://oracletimes.com/steem-steem-or-dogecoin-doge-which-is-the-greater-crypto-community/ #zappl #steem #cryptocurrency #steemit
I was really surprised to see such a stupid comparison. Any Thoughts on this?
https://oracletimes.com/steem-steem-or-dogecoin-doge-which-is-the-greater-crypto-community/ #zappl #steem #cryptocurrency #steemit
Nice post
never even heard of dodgecoin lol
@lasteem Dodgecoin started as a joke and now its a real thing
I mean doge is worth more but I don't think that will last long. Steem should be on the come up real soon with this platform. Hopefully more people start using it!
for sure. Steem has a use case and an income possibility while you stake your investment. Everything else just seems like air and speculation to me.
I've actually made surprisingly good returns from doge.
what about Steem? It's been my best but I don't like trading. It causes me too much stress.
I was excited when I discovered steem. I'm going to say that steem is better because we can build so many things on top of it because of the no transaction fees, and due to that, we have such great communities like the one developed by @zappl.
Good post
Great post
doge is doing some interesting tests with ethereum right now.
don't rule doge out :)
good ol dogecoin.