Some people will call you names, some will try to manipulate you in building their own dreams, some will try to impose their point of view, some will try to bully you.... No matter what they do,keep going on your path. #zappl #inspiration

Some people will call you names, some will try to manipulate you in building their own dreams, some will try to impose their point of view, some will try to bully you.... No matter what they do,keep going on your path. #zappl #inspiration
It is very important not to let the critics of others to affect us. Life is in a constant change. A self-confident person, who knows both his qualities and his weaknesses, is not affected by the criticism of others.
So we have to detach ourselves, not let us be influenced by others, learn to be careless about unimportant things. On the other hand, it is important to be ourselves and that matters the most, because every person is unique.
It is an evil world. I follow my heart, I do not let others influence me or made me angry because they do not deserve my attention.
A very good inspiration for today!
@allesia Glad it inspired you, it inspired me also. Very good point, you basically said everything about this subject and something extra. Thanks for the inspiration also.
Thank you for your kind words. Have a productive week!
I hope so, have big goals for this week, so it's a lot of work. Thanks for the kind words also. Good luck this week !
If we allow our mood to be influenced by the others, we will be in a constant emotional change. We will be sad, angry, disappointed.
It is normal to keep in mind the opinions of the people who are part of our lives. But when we start to depend on their opinions, we can not make decisions alone, seek approval in every thing we do, or if it influences us negatively, then it's time to say STOP.
As soon as we give up interest in how others see us, we can be ourselves. So, we always have to be calm and never let someone to interfer in our life, decisions and make us angry.
@mei07 Exactly, even our friends and family don't know exactly what's best for us. We are the only ones which should know this and we will make mistakes, but there will be our mistakes in the road to discover what is our uniqueness in this world.
I agree with you, have a nice evening @equ1l1br1um!
Do not waste time trying to prove something to someone who has already decided everything for himself and accepts only his own truth. Yes, there are people who are trying to understand you and can not. But there are those who simply do not want to understand. Is it worth it to waste one's energy to explain to such a person something?
The same can be said about people who misunderstood you. You know, this is not your problem, so leave it as it is. A large number of disputes won - this is not a reason for pride. Much more important moments are when you managed to keep silent and let go of the situation. Do not throw beads in front of pigs.
Valid points. That's the secret to happiness. Pride gets us in disputes that are just wasting our time and energy. Sometimes I wish I can do like this in every situation :
Yes, it's true .. Master knows the secret of happiness))
If you know that someone is making you angry and they're happy on what they're doing,
Close your eyes, don't look at them. Don't care about on what they're doing.
Close your mouth, don't say something. Don't tell them to stop.
Close your ears, don't listen on every that comes from their mouth.
@michaelcabiles Sometimes we have to fight back, but most of the times ignoring is the best option like you said.
I do fight back bro, but in a good way of not letting them notice it.🤘
Right, my friend @equ1l1br1um. That's why you have to be deaf and plot your own course. Besides, everyone has their own way of doing things. That's why you should always do the things you feel comfortable and happy with. Greetings colleague ;)
@emmanuel250998 Greetings. Thanks for pointing that out. I always let people do their own thing when it comes to their approach to a certain subject. I don't interfere, because I know I like to do it my own way, because I know myself best.
Right, my friend, it's better this way. Greetings and a hug :)
It would be more beautiful if we go together ,,,
Moving towards the better ,,,
Without manipulation
Peace love...
@syahri One day, one day... I am still an idealist and hopefully will still be
Start with sincere intent will definitely be smooth ,,,
May we all always move together towards the better ,,, amen
Don't be scared.
live the life the way you want.
We are taught from an early age that we need to care about what others think. We should care, but not in the way we are taught. Good comment.
stop forcing and doing rough, it would be wonderful if we do it well and do not do mischief #inspiration @equ1|1br1um
This is the word of the day I must say!
@bigtakonsensei Will try to bring more. Had a pause from writing articles , so I tried to fill in with zappl.but I have some series in which I talk about mental game and some delicate subjects. Will start again soon.
nobody has the right to place chains, we can live as we want
That's right, we have to be strong with the power that exists on ourselves
remain vigilant crime happen not just because intention actors but also because there is a chance.
Thanks for sharing an impressive submission.
Warm greetings from Gayo land.
Thank you also. Warm greetings from here also.
Thank you for sharing ,i like it sir the equu :)@equ1l1br1um
Great man, resteem
Amen! 🙏
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