thank you for the heads up on "presearch" I'll have to take a look. I think what I mean by buy in is the notion that different coins I had seen (again this is prior to encountering Steem) had what I saw as various barriers to entry - usually either through hardware to be acquired or maintained or operated at some kind of competitive advantage - if you were not willing or able to meet these barriers, the only alternative was to enter the secondary market to buy them - Now for me, I've had a real aversion to buying something I wasn't willing to part with my efforts or resources to acquire (else why do they really have much value to me personally) so I turned what hardware I could into low duty miners. Now with Steemit, I have an opportunity to use my time and creativity, my intellect to do an analog to this mining concept which means that as these coins come to me I have an investiture in seeing that they maintain some kind of value. Seems at that point to be a virtuous circle or positive feedback loop. So maybe this is just a long way of talking with you about the same idea of a coin / token that acquires through doing the thing it was made to do. I like the idea... going to have to consider that some more. Thanks.
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