Kittens are fascinating, sleeps up to 18 hours a day. They often pur especially when their mother nursing them. They have very strong sense of smell and can fit their body anywhere they can fit their hands, even their adorable little head.

Kittens are fascinating, sleeps up to 18 hours a day. They often pur especially when their mother nursing them. They have very strong sense of smell and can fit their body anywhere they can fit their hands, even their adorable little head.
Lovely cat looking beautiful
A cat can travel at a top speed of approximately 31 mph (49 km) over a short distance.
You're right @catfacts.
The lightest cat on record is a blue point Himalayan called Tinker Toy, who weighed 1 pound, 6 ounces (616 g). Tinker Toy was 2.75 inches (7 cm) tall and 7.5 inches (19 cm) long.
Keep writing good post
I have super up-voted you
wow this cat very excellent nice photography .
Thank you