
The Staff Sergeant is on board too! And I think this fellow @lextenebris is a sophomoric attacker of women. He is entitled to his opinion. Those opinions can be like his armpits, he has a couple and from time to time they both stink.

The man does not understand that currently the relationship between @ned and the rest of the people of the platform is similar to the relationship of a Cruel and greedy Baron and his serfs. Given we are willing serfs, but everyone in the STEEM community has a dog in this race.

Maybe the Baron (not the creator of STEEM , but a participant in its founding), was given the title and stake. It was another that made him the Baron. A man of great intellect, with a sense of ethics.

Who indeed is the aggrandizer in this situation?

Welcome Aboard, Staff Sergeant! Latest intel suggests your assessment of the subject is Spot On, plus it may be that he has gender issue eruptions pending... Bruce Jenner Syndrome, Possibly?

Oorah, Gents. @sgt-dan and @minnowbootcamp. Thanks for sending "rounds" downrange against that pseudo intellectual drivel. That guy is clearly high off his own supply.

lol or as my Venezuelan Panas would say jajaja.

he won't stop

That's why they call the Psychos, Ma'am.