
You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in

We must walk slow, not at the pace of the "herd". Experience the day, the surroundings, the people, feel the breeze of the wind or the heat of the sun. Listen to the birds singing, and continue with a free mind. Breathe and feel the energy in every cell of the body.

There are a million and one distractions in our times, but we must not forget who we are or what we are. We must not forget we are one, and being selfish is harmful to the human psyche. Look at other like they are a mirror of yourself, part of you and not separate.

It's time that everyone understand who and what they are and open their Eye. We must reach the next level of humanity and become one once again.


Wow. That’s powerful.

Listening is one of ths most beneficial things that we can do as humans. A remarkable opportunity to expand, receive, learn and grow is what listening gives us as a gift.

I have noticed that when people raise their voices, it's due to the feeling of not being heard. The same goes for repeating oneself, and also for cutting off others/interjecting when another is speaking.

By understanding that listening is an active process instead of a passive surrendering, we can open ourselves up to greater information and knowledge being communicated ♡

Interesting post, today you make a post by asking us a question. this makes me more interested to answer the challenge of your question it. And logically I would say: indeed, it has become a human habit to think what people say. Because of that habit, we are finally formed based on the words of others. Actually, need not listen to the words of others? Easy answer, there are times when you need to listen but sometimes not. Every human being has their own test of life. Sadness, happiness, poverty, and even wealth are tests for different individuals. Some of them are not aware of the test of their own life, and some are too busy to see and comment on the test of other human life. Do not keep an eye on others.

And in the end, I give advice to all of us, and take action with what I suggest the following:

  • Do not stalk the motion.
  • Do not open the shame.
  • Do not investigate.
  • Be busy with yourself.
  • Fix your shame,

Thank you, hopefully useful.

regards master @rok-sivante

by: @ponpase from Indonesia

Sir, I just made a post about this. maybe you can take the time to see it. thanks ...@rok-sivante

I’m Listening...

Even metaphysically/spiritually this is key—every secret wants to be told, every shy creature to approach and trust us... If we patiently listen, with all of our senses.

This is wonderful.
Listen. Listening instead of judging. Feeling connections rather than opportunities to exert power.
Listening equals empathy. Not in the sense of fully understanding another person’s feelings or experiences (we can in some sense never fully understand, as every human being acts within the frame of his or her very personal set of experiences, capacities and life circumstances), but in the sense of always being sensitive.
Thank you for this post, rok-sivante.

Listen and accept the other are the most important things in our disscus without them will fall into trouble

Listening to others is actually a gateway to peaceful coexistence. If only human ls would imbibe the habit of listening to one another, indeed a lot of human problems would have been avoided right from the start.

Quite a thought provoking masterpiece.

@eurogee of @euronation community

An interesting discussion brother @rok-sivante

I think we should not always talk, it's good we listen to others occasionally speak. We should do it because I think other people can also think in their own opinion, just as we do.

Regards from Indonesia

Ya you are right
Hurry is very bad

Nice post.
Please upvote me :)

I don’t take commands.

Nor do I take lightly to begging on this platform.

The #1 Thing To Do If You Want Upvotes (And Exactly What NOT To Earn Follwers And Respect)...

just by not talking and just listening would save many problems

I agreed with you. All the things you talking about give a way to peace. Wise man always choose a right path.Well said @rok-sivante.

to be able to listen is a great talent

Listen is powerful, help not to jump in conclusion, not to take sides, a sure route to peace. Oh, how much troubles would have be avoided if we be but just can listen

very nice post. lets listen and understanding to make a peace.

Very good post,, cool my friend..

I'm listening...


Thanks for sharing this @rok-sivante

We hardly have time to listen to people and feel what they are really going through but rather we judge them when they done something wrong base on our judgment. If we can take a minute out of our time and listen rather than doing the talking at all time,we will definitely understand ourselves more and we surely help in solving some problems while making this world a better place

Seriously, one of the problems we human have is talking too much and not listening. Even the bible says 'Be quick to listen, take your time before you reply'

One thing am sure about is that the heart distance itself if we are not in good terms that is why is better to always hear from others before you take your decision @rok-sivante

Great relationships always demand communicable communication that comes with patience and yes listening plays it's vital role. This is so true that we are always ready to make others down with our actions and words. We prevail hatred instead of brotherhood, peace and love.

Lets fellow this golden rule of listening and make our lives easy :)

Rok - look at my post. I think we have the same thoughts .. please advice. Thanks @rok-sivante

This would be equally-applicable for any requests to look at a post, just as much as request for votes or follows:

A Priceless Tip For Steemit Newbies Seeking Followers & Upvotes... (The #1 Thing To Do And NOT Do)

And, it’s not realistic to expect me to dig through your blog to find what post you’re referring to. We’re it posted here and is relevant, that might be acceptable...

Iam not asking you to upvote, i just ask you to read my post. Perhaps you may want to read and comments of what you thinks about it. I really glad to share it to you.
Thanks rok, hope you had a wonderful day..


well in that case, the question would, "which post?"

the lesson: it may be unlikely that anyone is going to search for the unknown you're talking about - versus they might read if a link was provided with the request. (As long as reason is given as to why it's relevant to the thread, and not just something random and unrelated).

"Call for Rebellion" there is last post for me.

I often read your writing and I like the way you think. so I just want you to read it and give advice on my writing. thank you skirt. You are my inspiration

Still... you’re expecting me to go further out of my way to find this.

Wouldn’t it just be easier to hyperlink to it in your comment...??

Read it. I don’t see the relevance to this post.

Ok rok if you consider it like that. Thanks bro!!

Listen capture the benefits and ignore if nothing is important.

I see you also caved in about using Zappl, that makes two of us this week... I made one post using it, won't do it again for some time now.

Still doesn't feel quite right.

About the post's content per se, I agree of course, but the thing is trying to influence others is human nature, and we do it even without thinking!


I’m still on the fence. Feel like I can somehow justify it if I expand out the commentary on the Steemit syndication - yet at that point, feels more like would make more sense just as a small Steemit post... maybe just more learning cycles needed to find a groove...