Looking at @arcange's stats, yesterday say 16K new users sign up...looking at the breakdown, it appears the approval process happens in spurts. Either way, it is good to see numbers like that filter through. STEEM is growing..PRICE UP 20%

Looking at @arcange's stats, yesterday say 16K new users sign up...looking at the breakdown, it appears the approval process happens in spurts. Either way, it is good to see numbers like that filter through. STEEM is growing..PRICE UP 20%
I noticed the jump . Nice to see . I assume there will be a point in time when this will go viral . But I don’t think that would happen until there several million people on board. Because even though we have 730,000 accounts there are people with many accounts. Which means we need to get to at least 1 million Real active accounts to really see the numbers blowup. Steem on!
I have a feeling the manual sign-up process is still a challenge. Perhaps that is why we see a huge number then it slowing down, then a big bounce.
One we get automatic sign-up, yes we will see the numbers, possibly, jump into the millions per month.
16k in a day is great! I've been watching these numbers for a couple months and that is a big number! Also, with the daily active users drifting higher, that can only mean great things for the platform. Overall, I would say we're doing great and that slow and steady will win the race. Steemit is the place to be and will be for quite some time. Hopefully everyone who is already here understand the opportunity and continue to commit to growing the site and adding value to the community! Thanks for the encouraging post!
Every new day if strong growth adds to the overall total!
I saw that.... it really did seem out of place next to all the lower numbers during the rest of the week.... but it's exciting nonetheless.
Now all we have to do is encourage all these new Steemians to stay, invest and love this platform as much as the rest of us do.
Yes @aussieninja. I think they are...we are seeing the number of daily active users drift upward....
Over time, I think word will spread among the ones who sign up. There are many who sign up, leave for a while, then return (kicking themselves for missing that time).
The first step is get the numbers to sign up...cant have users without the sign up first.
Over time, I believe the conversion rate will increase.
Increase in new users, will kick-start the jump in steem. Steem will make a huge come-back this time.
A lot of them are inactive unfortunately. I hope some of them will return to the platform once it gets popular :)
That is always the case.
How many accounts have you signed up for over the years only to not return?
We all have that.
I think the fact the sign up process takes so long is really something that caused a higher inactive rate than normally would be.
That will change in time.
I doubt this has a lot to do with the 20% up, everything is up 20%. Good news are good news though. I am feeling records will be broken soon. What bothers me is what are we exactly doing to keep the members here.
I didnt mean to imply that one was related to the other...the sign up process is what it is, regardless of price.
I dont really think that the rate is really that bad...70K daily active users out of 700K...or 10%.....for a newer site, that is reasonable...especially when you consider many of the people sign up and do not hear back from Steemit for days or even a week.
Without instant approval, there will be many who fall by the wayside....
Over time, they might come back....I cannot tell you how many sites I signed up for over the years only to return at a later time after they became more popular (or how many I never returned to).
I guess it is the nature of the beast.
Oh, okay! My bad.
"be keeping the members" I meant the members, who contribute on steemit and raising awareness for various issues getting "censored" by people who's sole purpose is to keep running their agenda. Ultimately these people will leave the community.
Which people will leave @ervinneb?
The ones who are being censored or those doing it?
Wow! amazing. I remember, looked last week into Steemworld and saw registration number over 600k and now already 731,787! The numbers tripled since i registered about half year ago!
Thanks for the great info!
I am somewhere around 318,000 and I signed up towards the end of August.
So we are seeing some serious growth. @penguinpablo has STEEM signing up over 120K for the 4 weeks in January.
i think the reason for the spike in registrations is word of mouth through Xmas and New Years Eve. People told their stories and helped each other to get into Steemit in the free time.. best recommendation marketing!
Yay! And more good news (for me at least)...I've invested more $$ into STEEM so I can start posting my own content now too! I've got in at around $3, which is expensive compared to a lot, but +50% discount at what it's been recently.
Also, I noticed another [quite big] YouTuber, @charismaon coming across to DTube too. Probably not exclusively to DTube yet, as he has big audience on YouTube, but I'm sure that once he sees his earnings here vs. YouTube...
Great buy @m-ssed-t. You should do very well.
If my $100 target gets hit this year, I think you will be happy with a 33 times return....
Plus it helps your voting power....so it is all good.
I didnt see that but it isnt surprising...the YouTubers are starting to come over...the challenge for them is understanding that all their followers will take time to get some serious VP....since they are all new, they will not have much vote weight, at least at first.
Who exactly approves these people and is there anyway I can help?
I presume people from Steemit but I am really not sure....the only thing I know @bitcoinflood is the process is manual. The next Hard Fork automates it...but like many things, we are patiently awaiting that release.
Finally that will be a gamechanger with organic growth in my point of view.
It’s a manual process. I wonder if a backlog builds up until someone at Steemit Global Command draws the short stick and spends a day away from their regular duties and just approves accounts until quitting time.
LOL @preparedwombat.
I was thinking it is something similar. The sign ups pile up until someone gets around to knocking a bunch out in one day...or they hold them all up and release most of them at the same time.
Either way, someone is unlucky.
Yep, I saw the same on @penguinpablo's post. Looks like maybe huge effort goes into clearing the backlog on Sundays. Hopefully auto-registration won't be far off. It would be nice to see this as actual daily registrations. It's good news though.
I joined on January 3rd as the 556,500th member. There's over 715000 accounts now! Crazy growth considering how long the platform was around prior to my joining a month ago.
What are we going to need to get some SERIOUS attention? I feel like all the pieces are in place its just a matter of time
First thanks for sharing this information
Second A great progress and a stunning break but I am not surprising because this number will increase over time and will surpass million users
This is not coming as a surprise because we believe so much that steem is a crypto with a difference.
great news... steemit is our future... i believe that it will rise at the highest way... ✌
Wooow! its nice to see It will growing rapidly and Soon it will be viral
Thanks for sharing This amazing graph
keep it up
I am waiting for your upcoming post Thanks
you create a great post....i impressed to see it...Lot of thanks for Sharing this informative and valuable post....really its good news
I strongly believe Steemit will surpass facebook in the future. The platform is growing geometrically. I so much believe in the future of this platform. Infact, I made a post on why I feel people should invest in their Steem Power on this platform
reesteem done sir
Who is creating accounts that don't get used?
I noticed the price go back up. I wish I had my paycheck so I could've bought more when it was at around 2.50 USD.
I think this chart will look different and sign-ups will be more evenly distributed once auto-signups are introduced.
We will lose much less probable active users if they can start interacting right away...
Maybe the people who manually sign up accounts are off Saturday & Sunday. That could explain the big Monday jump in accounts. 😂
Or Steemians are bragging about how much money they are making, while at weekend parties, and everybody jumps on the sign up link, Sunday night.
Either way great new Task. 😎