
Its likely this bug its shows all of the same characteristics and it would seem its on the blockchain level.

Maybe they are patching the posts instead by accident.

I have a quick solution to post successfully on zap

Possibly building a wall to keep that 3% out...

damn that was meant to be the joke, guess i was badly worded

zappl's down for a day, you got your new account yet? going to try build a following for short form content on @traf regardless of whether zappl's up or not

No man you're good. We are on the same wavelength. I was just adding a dash of U.S. political humor/absurdity.

Yeah I have the account. I was hoping to try tonight but the site is down.

I went with @hanzappedfirst but I also got @greedoshotnever just in case.

yup I got it just as I sent my reply
I've been out of the game too long, a little rusty
i'll be sure to follow them

I'm hoping to have some fun with this short thing.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

That's what she said.

Mine never went through before.

It looks like they still haven't patched it. I am one of the lucky 3% who sent a Zap.

3% of the time, it works every time!