Betutu chicken is a typical Balinese food that is not foreign to tourists and almost all have ever tasted the delicacy that is offered by this dish. Betutu Chicken Culinary has a taste that is very delicious, delicious, many sensations and

Betutu chicken is a typical Balinese food that is not foreign to tourists and almost all have ever tasted the delicacy that is offered by this dish. Betutu Chicken Culinary has a taste that is very delicious, delicious, many sensations and
Wow :D Good Post bro
Kelihatannya sangat enaaakk ..
pasti hana salah lee nyoe... seb mangat...
brat tahat mangat nyoe kan @nabilanabila
Iya lah
menyoe di gampong long manok teu ghidam nyoe,,, seb mangat