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RE: Right and Wrong

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)


Some thoughts

It is all situation-dependent, subject-dependent, context-dependent.

I see it more as individual, relational, and consent dependent.

If someone punches me in the face without my consent I find that bad/wrong/evil
If I however get punched in the face in a boxing match or training then there is consent I know what the rules are and what happens in when I go into that ring.

But I guess that's what you mean with situation-dependent, subject-dependent, context-dependent, This is when you look at it from the outside, I take it more to a personal/individual realm.

Oh and science is never "settled" I agree. :) but "never" is also such an absolute word....;) lol

Thank you for the reply.


Yea, Science, because often people come and try to tell me that there is truth.. that science is finding the truth.. but they normally have no clue how science works..^^
I think we have the same opinion ;)